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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 53
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Bernhard Michalke "Metallomics. Analytical Techniques and Speciation Methods"
Robert Scott A. "Metalloprotein Active Site Assembly"
Valeria Culotta "Metals in Cells"
James Dabrowiak C. "Metals in Medicine"
Eric Lheurette "Metamaterials and Wave Control"
Janine Cossy "Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis. Strategies, Substrates and Catalysts"
Giles Harrison "Meteorological Measurements and Instrumentation"
Diop-Kane Mariane "Meteorology of Tropical West Africa. The Forecasters' Handbook"
Serge Herzog "Methodological Advances and Issues in Studying College Impact. New Directions for Institutional Rese"
Nagatoshi Nishiwaki "Methods and Applications of Cycloaddition Reactions in Organic Syntheses"
Seung-Beom Hong "Methods in Biotechnology"
Schmidt Peter C. "Methods in Physical Chemistry"
Valerio Magnasco "Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics. An Introduction to Electronic Molecular Structure"
Alexander Vasudevan "Metropolitan Preoccupations. The Spatial Politics of Squatting in Berlin"
Murugan Ramalingam "Micro and Nanotechnologies in Engineering Stem Cells and Tissues"
J. Love Christopher "Micro- and Nanosystems for Biotechnology"
Peter Privalov L. "Microcalorimetry of Macromolecules. The Physical Basis of Biological Structures"
Clement Kleinstreuer "Microfluidics and Nanofluidics. Theory and Selected Applications"
Alberto Fernandez-Nieves "Microgel Suspensions. Fundamentals and Applications"
Seiichi Nomura "Micromechanics with Mathematica"
Thomas Wirth "Microreactors in Organic Chemistry and Catalysis"
Wladimir Reschetilowski "Microreactors in Preparative Chemistry. Practical Aspects in Bioprocessing, Nanotechnology, Catalysi"
Saura Sahu C. "microRNAs in Toxicology and Medicine"
Fernando Corfu "Microstructural Geochronology. Planetary Records Down to Atom Scale"
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Hugo Kubinyi "Microwaves in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry"
Antonio de la Hoz "Microwaves in Organic Synthesis, 2 Volume Set"
Dan Ryder "Millikan and Her Critics"
Kimberly Schonert-Reichl "Mindfulness in Adolescence. New Directions for Youth Development, Number 142"
Bruno Cayoun A. "Mindfulness-integrated CBT for Well-being and Personal Growth. Four Steps to Enhance Inner Calm, Sel"
Bruno Cayoun A. "Mindfulness-integrated CBT. Principles and Practice"
Martin Schleef "Minicircle and Miniplasmid DNA Vectors. The Future of Non-viral and Viral Gene Transfer"
James Riehl P. "Mirror-Image Asymmetry. An Introduction to the Origin and Consequences of Chirality"
Sharlene Hesse-Biber "Mixed Methods and Credibility of Evidence in Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, Number 138"
Salmelin Juha "Mobile Backhaul"
Frattasi Simone "Mobile Positioning and Tracking. From Conventional to Cooperative Techniques"
Roger Cochetti "Mobile Satellite Communications Handbook"
Daniel Minoli "Mobile Video with Mobile IPv6"
Jean-Philippe Babau "Model Driven Engineering for Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems 2009. Advances, Standards, Appli"
Paul Williams D. "Modeling Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows. Insights from Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulatio"
Michel Soustelle "Modeling of Liquid Phases"
Peter Comba "Modeling of Molecular Properties"
Robert Schunk W. "Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere, Volume 201"
Professor Caers Jef "Modeling Uncertainty in the Earth Sciences"
Ana Lopez "Modelling the Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources"
Jie Liang "Models and Algorithms for Biomolecules and Molecular Networks"
Valerio Magnasco "Models for Bonding in Chemistry"
Valerio Magnasco "Models for Bonding in Chemistry"
Chao-Jun Li "Modern Alkyne Chemistry. Catalytic and Atom-Economic Transformations"
Raut R. "Modern Analog Filter Analysis and Design. A Practical Approach"
Jörg Knäblein "Modern Biopharmaceuticals. Recent Success Stories"
Peter Walla Jomo "Modern Biophysical Chemistry. Detection and Analysis of Biomolecules"
U. Welzel "Modern Diffraction Methods"
Johnson Douglas S. "Modern Drug Synthesis"
Schlesinger Mordechay "Modern Electroplating"
Manfred Braun "Modern Enolate Chemistry. From Preparation to Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis"
Peer Kirsch "Modern Fluoroorganic Chemistry. Synthesis, Reactivity, Applications"
A. Stephen K. Hashmi "Modern Gold Catalyzed Synthesis"
S. Gupta K. "Modern Hydrology and Sustainable Water Development"
Rainer Mahrwald "Modern Methods in Stereoselective Aldol Reactions"
Artem Oganov R. "Modern Methods of Crystal Structure Prediction"
Walter Loveland D. "Modern Nuclear Chemistry"
Francois Terrier "Modern Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution"
Peter Somfai "Modern Organic Synthesis. An Introduction"
Jan-Erling Bäckvall "Modern Oxidation Methods"
David Crich "Modern Synthetic Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. From Monosaccharides to Complex Glycoconjugates"
Popp Jürgen "Modern Techniques for Pathogen Detection"
Ilya Prigogine "Modern Thermodynamics. From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures"
Cossy Janine "Modern Tools for the Synthesis of Complex Bioactive Molecules"
Max Diem "Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy. Theory, Instrumentation and Biomedical Appli"
Ernst Beat "Moderne Pharmakokinetik. Transport durch Membranen"
Ralph Rapley "Molecular Analysis and Genome Discovery"
Whitehouse David "Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics"
Hasan Khatib "Molecular and Quantitative Animal Genetics"
Evgeny Katz "Molecular and Supramolecular Information Processing. From Molecular Switches to Logic Systems"
Mauricio Rojas "Molecular Aspects of Aging. Understanding Lung Aging"
Frederick Villamena A. "Molecular Basis of Oxidative Stress. Chemistry, Mechanisms, and Disease Pathogenesis"
Hugo Kubinyi "Molecular Descriptors for Chemoinformatics. Volume I: Alphabetical Listing / Volume II: Appendices, "
Heather Kirk "Molecular Ecology"
Emanuela Corsini "Molecular Immunotoxicology"
Barbara Sieklucka "Molecular Magnetic Materials. Concepts and Applications"
Robert Henry J. "Molecular Markers in Plants"
Robert Blankenship E. "Molecular Mechanisms of Photosynthesis"
Jens Kurreck "Molecular Medicine. An Introduction"
Stephen Liddle T. "Molecular Metal-Metal Bonds. Compounds, Synthesis, Properties"
Philippe Marcus "Molecular Modeling of Corrosion Processes. Scientific Development and Engineering Applications"
James Kubicki D. "Molecular Modeling of Geochemical Reactions. An Introduction"
Ian Fleming "Molecular Orbitals and Organic Chemical Reactions. Reference Edition"
Christian Rojas M. "Molecular Rearrangements in Organic Synthesis"
Rogers Donald W. "Molecular Structure. Understanding Steric and Electronic Effects from Molecular Mechanics"
Feringa Ben L. "Molecular Switches"
Nico Salmaso "Molecular Tools for the Detection and Quantification of Toxigenic Cyanobacteria"
David Morgan "Molekularbiologie der Zelle"
Andy Bates "Molekularbiologie. für Biologen, Biochemiker, Pharmazeuten und Mediziner"
Frank Thiemann "Molekulare Diagnostik. Grundlagen der Molekularbiologie, Genetik und Analytik"
Seddon Kenneth R. "Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids. Never the Twain?"
Andrew Leyshon "Money and Finance After the Crisis. Critical Thinking for Uncertain Times"
Zhen-Gang Ji "Monitoring and Modeling the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. A Record Breaking Enterprise"
John Wainwright "Monitoring and Modelling Dynamic Environments (A Festschrift in Memory of Professor John B. Thornes)"
Raymond Reilly M. "Monoclonal Antibody and Peptide-Targeted Radiotherapy of Cancer"
Stephanie Blackmon J. "MOOCs and Higher Education: Implications for Institutional Research. New Directions for Institutiona"
Brian Henderson "Moonlighting Proteins. Novel Virulence Factors in Bacterial Infections"
Roald Hoffmann "More Dead Ends and Detours. En Route to Successful Total Synthesis"
Hans Nakrem A. "Morphology, Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Osteolepiform Fish"
Gostar Klingelhofer "Mossbauer Spectroscopy. Applications in Chemistry, Biology, and Nanotechnology"
Sabanovic Asif "Motion Control Systems"
Conceição Simone C.O. "Motivating and Retaining Online Students. Research-Based Strategies That Work"
Ellen Wohl "Mountain Rivers Revisited"
Michel Borel "Movement Equations 1. Location, Kinematics and Kinetics"
Michel Borel "Movement Equations 2. Mathematical and Methodological Supplements"
Michel Borel "Movement Equations 3. Dynamics and Fundamental Principle"
Vitaliy Khutoryanskiy V. "Mucoadhesive Materials and Drug Delivery Systems"
Hueber Gernot "Multi-Mode / Multi-Band RF Transceivers for Wireless Communications. Advanced Techniques, Architectu"
Nicolas Bogliotti "Multi-Step Organic Synthesis. A Guide Through Experiments"
Jian Zhou "Multicatalyst System in Asymmetric Catalysis"
Jieping Zhu "Multicomponent Reactions in Organic Synthesis"
Raquel Herrera P. "Multicomponent Reactions. Concepts and Applications for Design and Synthesis"
Roland Lindh "Multiconfigurational Quantum Chemistry"
Amy Reynolds L. "Multicultural Competence in Student Affairs. Advancing Social Justice and Inclusion"
Gareth Morris A. "Multidimensional NMR Methods for the Solution State"
Karen Swanson Weller "Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Research and Relationships. New Directions for Teaching and Learnin"
Ismo Lindell V. "Multiforms, Dyadics, and Electromagnetic Media"
Sushil Misra K. "Multifrequency Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. Theory and Applications"
Decher Gero "Multilayer Thin Films. Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials"
Antony James S. "Multilevel Modeling Techniques and Applications in Institutional Research. New Directions in Institu"
Kinser Kevin "Multinational Colleges and Universities: Leading, Governing, and Managing International Branch Campu"
Baojiang Sun "Multiphase Flow in Oil and Gas Well Drilling"
Michael Sukop "Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Methods. Theory and Application"
Professor Caers Jef "Multiple-point Geostatistics. Stochastic Modeling with Training Images"
Pesenson Misha Meyer "Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics. From Genes to the Brain"
Gee David "Multiscale Modeling of Particle Interactions. Applications in Biology and Nanotechnology"
Pierre-Yves Hicher "Multiscales Geomechanics. From Soil to Engineering Projects"
Rainer Haag "Multivalency. Concepts, Research and Applications"
Gary Young C. "Municipal Solid Waste to Energy Conversion Processes. Economic, Technical, and Renewable Comparisons"
Jennifer Barrett "Museums and the Public Sphere"
Patrick Saint-Dizier "Musical Rhetoric. Foundations and Annotation Schemes"
Ronald Breslow "N-Heterocyclic Carbenes in Organocatalysis"
Steven Nolan P. "N-Heterocyclic Carbenes. Effective Tools for Organometallic Synthesis"
Corey E. J. "Name Reactions for Carbocyclic Ring Formations"
Corey E. J. "Name Reactions in Heterocyclic Chemistry II"
Nicolais Luigi "Nanocomposites. In Situ Synthesis of Polymer-Embedded Nanostructures"
Claude Fermon "Nanomagnetism. Applications and Perspectives"
Ratna Tantra "Nanomaterial Characterization. An Introduction"
Philippe Serp "Nanomaterials in Catalysis"
Tiwari Ashutosh "Nanomaterials in Drug Delivery, Imaging, and Tissue Engineering"
Wolfgang Knoll "Nanomaterials, Polymers and Devices. Materials Functionalization and Device Fabrication"
Ajay Mishra Kumar "Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery and Therapeutics"
Gunter Schmid "Nanoparticles. From Theory to Application"
Yoon Yeo "Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery Systems. Strategies, Technologies, and Applications"
Jacek Lipkowski "Nanopatterned and Nanoparticle-Modified Electrodes"