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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 44
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
Ursula Spichiger-Keller E. "Chemical Sensors and Biosensors for Medical and Biological Applications"
Florinel-Gabriel Banica "Chemical Sensors and Biosensors. Fundamentals and Applications"
Antonietti Markus "Chemical Synthesis and Applications of Graphene and Carbon Materials"
Kenji Mori "Chemical Synthesis of Hormones, Pheromones and Other Bioregulators"
Kenji Mori "Chemical Synthesis of Hormones, Pheromones and Other Bioregulators"
Pedro Merino "Chemical Synthesis of Nucleoside Analogues"
Reuben Rieke D. "Chemical Synthesis Using Highly Reactive Metals"
Chiarabelli Cristiano "Chemical Synthetic Biology"
Peter Wasserscheid "Chemical Technology. An Integral Textbook"
Jacek Lipkowski "Chemically Modified Electrodes"
Peter Glarborg "Chemically Reacting Flow. Theory, Modeling, and Simulation"
Alessandro Gandini "Chemicals and Fuels from Bio-Based Building Blocks"
Johannes Fink Karl "Chemicals and Methods for Conservation and Restoration. Paintings, Textiles, Fossils, Wood, Stones, "
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Chemie für alle Jahreszeiten. Einfache Experimente mit pflanzlichen Naturstoffen"
Thomas Wurm "Chemie für Einsteiger und Durchsteiger"
Thomas Wurm "Chemie für Einsteiger und Durchsteiger"
Jan Hoinkis "Chemie für Ingenieure"
Jan Hoinkis "Chemie für Ingenieure. Aufgaben und Lösungen"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Chemie und Literatur. ein ungewohnlicher Flirt"
Tillmann Utz "Chemielogistik. Markt, Geschaftmodelle, Prozesse"
Carsten Suntrop "Chemiestandorte. Markt, Herausforderungen und Geschäftsmodelle"
Helmut Maier "Chemiker im "Dritten Reich". Die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft und der Verein Deutscher Chemiker i"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Chemische Experimente in Schlössern, Klöstern und Museen. Aus Hexenküche und Zauberlabor"
Prof. Schwedt Georg "Chemische Experimente in Schlössern, Klöstern und Museen. Aus Hexenküche und Zauberlabor"
Peter Janich "Chemische Grenzwerte. Eine Standortbestimmung von Chemikern, Juristen, Soziologen und Philosophen"
Arno Löwe "Chemische Reaktionstechnik. mit MATLAB und SIMULINK"
Hou Xiaolin "Chemistry and Analysis of Radionuclides. Laboratory Techniques and Methodology"
Mozzarelli Andrea "Chemistry and Biochemistry of Oxygen Therapeutics. From Transfusion to Artificial Blood"
David Rowe "Chemistry and Technology of Flavours and Fragrances"
Charles Sell S. "Chemistry and the Sense of Smell"
Roald Hoffmann "Chemistry as a Game of Molecular Construction. The Bond-Click Way"
Ravin Narain "Chemistry of Bioconjugates. Synthesis, Characterization, and Biomedical Applications"
Joseph Stephanos J. "Chemistry of Metalloproteins. Problems and Solutions in Bioinorganic Chemistry"
Jurgen Bajorath "Chemoinformatics for Drug Discovery"
Hanrahan Grady "Chemometric Methods in Capillary Electrophoresis"
Richard Brereton G. "Chemometrics for Pattern Recognition"
Richard Brereton G. "Chemometrics for Pattern Recognition"
Alexey Pomerantsev L. "Chemometrics in Excel"
Matthias Otto "Chemometrics. Statistics and Computer Application in Analytical Chemistry"
Anslyn Eric V. "Chemosensors. Principles, Strategies, and Applications"
Claudio Gaucher "Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries"
Serpell "Child Development in Africa: Views From Inside. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development,"
Debra Andrews "Children With School Problems: A Physician's Manual"
Thomas Nugent C. "Chiral Amine Synthesis. Methods, Developments and Applications"
Guo-Qiang Lin "Chiral Drugs. Chemistry and Biological Action"
Satinder Ahuja "Chiral Separation Methods for Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological Products"
F. Keene Richard "Chirality in Supramolecular Assemblies. Causes and Consequences"
Hani Amouri "Chirality in Transition Metal Chemistry. Molecules, Supramolecular Assemblies and Materials"
Sarmento Bruno "Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals. Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics"
Peter Schmittinger "Chlorine. Principles & Industrial Practice"
Levitan Irena "Cholesterol Regulation of Ion Channels and Receptors"
Calvin Dytham "Choosing and Using Statistics. A Biologist's Guide"
Calvin Dytham "Choosing and Using Statistics. A Biologist's Guide"
Wixom Robert L. "Chromatography. A Science of Discovery"
Mark Vitha F. "Chromatography. Principles and Instrumentation"
David Bernhard "Cigarette Smoke Toxicity. Linking Individual Chemicals to Human Diseases"
Choong Song Eui "Cinchona Alkaloids in Synthesis and Catalysis. Ligands, Immobilization and Organocatalysis"
Mark Vitha F. "Circulating Tumor Cells. Isolation and Analysis"
Stuart Allan "Citizen Witnessing. Revisioning Journalism in Times of Crisis"
Bernie Ronan "Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 173"
Frank Weinhold "Classical and Geometrical Theory of Chemical and Phase Thermodynamics"
Bangjun Lei "Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation. An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB"
Roman Bielski "Click Chemistry in Glycoscience. New Developments and Strategies"
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran "Click Reactions in Organic Synthesis"
Martin Parry "Climate Adaptation Futures"
Jorg Knieling "Climate Adaptation Governance in Cities and Regions. Theoretical Fundamentals and Practical Evidence"
Martin Bush J. "Climate Change Adaptation in Small Island Developing States"
Gill Sarvajeet S. "Climate Change and Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance"
Philippe Larminat de "Climate Change. Identification and Projections"
Chloé Maréchal "Climate Change. Past, Present, and Future"
Bryan Frank "Climate Dynamics. Why Does Climate Vary?"
Jin-Ho Yoon "Climate Extremes. Patterns and Mechanisms"
McGuire Bill "Climate Forcing of Geological Hazards"
Dr. Sarah L. Close "Climate in Context. Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation"
Liviu Giosan "Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations"
Michio Kumagai "Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters. Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Socie"
Ellis Harold "Clinical Anatomy. Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors"
Javid Farideh "Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. The Essentials"
Shayne Gad Cox "Clinical Trials Handbook"
Boris Smirnov M. "Cluster Processes in Gases and Plasmas"
Christine Mahoney M. "Cluster Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Principles and Applications"
Daniel Simon "Co-design Approaches to Dependable Networked Control Systems"
Didier Dumur "CO2 Biofixation by Microalgae. Modeling, Estimation and Control"
Larry Thomas "Coal Geology"
Prior David "Coarse-Grained Deltas (Special Publication 10 of the IAS)"
Gehrels Roland "Coastal Environments and Global Change"
Paolo Ciavola "Coastal Storms. Processes and Impacts"
Ray G. Carleton "Coastal-Marine Conservation. Science and Policy"
Braxton John M. "Codes of Conduct in Academia. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 160"
Ann Vernon "Cognitive Behavior Therapies. A Guidebook for Practitioners"
Fisher Jane E. "Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Applying Empirically Supported Techniques in Your Practice"
Fisher Jane E. "Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Core Principles for Practice"
Lars-Goran Ost "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Dental Phobia and Anxiety"
Michael Church "Coherent Flow Structures at Earth's Surface"
Jean-pierre Gazeau "Coherent States in Quantum Physics"
Colin Whiteman A. "Cold Region Hazards and Risks"
Alpheus Bingham "Collaborative Computational Technologies for Biomedical Research"
Wu Kwok "Collaborative Internet of Things (C-IoT). for Future Smart Connected Life and Business"
Elizabeth Barkley F. "Collaborative Learning Techniques. A Handbook for College Faculty"
Magdalena Martinez "College Completion for Latino/a Students: Institutional and System Approaches. New Directions for Hi"
Heidi Levine "College Student Mental Health. New Directions for Student Services, Number 156"
Don Haviland "Collegiality and the Collegium in an Era of Faculty Differentiation. ASHE Higher Education Report"
Janet Marling L. "Collegiate Transfer: Navigating the New Normal. New Directions for Higher Education, Number 162"
Roland Grappin "Collisionless Plasmas in Astrophysics"
Terence Cosgrove "Colloid Science. Principles, Methods and Applications"
James Goodwin "Colloids and Interfaces with Surfactants and Polymers"
James Goodwin "Colloids and Interfaces with Surfactants and Polymers"
Tharwat Tadros F. "Colloids in Agrochemicals, Volume 5. Colloids and Interface Science"
Tharwat Tadros F. "Colloids in Paints. Colloids and Interface Science, Volume 6"
Hugo Kubinyi "Combinatorial Chemistry. A Practical Approach"
Donna M. Sudak "Combining CBT and Medication. An Evidence-Based Approach"
Vasudevan Raghavan "Combustion Technology. Essentials of Flames and Burners"
Mohammed Chadli "Command-control for Real-time Systems"
Mary Lou Higgerson "Communication Strategies for Managing Conflict. A Guide for Academic Leaders"
John M. Braxton "Community College Faculty Scholarship. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 171"
Peter Morin J. "Community Ecology"
Peter Morin J. "Community Ecology"
Sandra Aitken "Community Palliative Care. The Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist"
Tami Moore L. "Community-University Engagement: A Process for Building Democratic Communities. ASHE Higher Educatio"
Zaher Radi A. "Comparative Pathophysiology and Toxicology of Cyclooxygenases"
Andrey Rubin B. "Compendium of Biophysics"
Michael B. Smith "Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods"
Michael B. Smith "Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods"
Avril Maddrell "Complex Locations. Women's Geographical Work in the UK 1850-1970"
Yasuyuki Tezuka "Complex Macromolecular Architectures. Synthesis, Characterization, and Self-Assembly"
Goh Vanessa SuLee "Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters. Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models"
Mark Mason "Complexity Theory and the Philosophy of Education"
Nina Berova "Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy. Applications in Stereochemical Analysis of Synthetic Compoun"
Nina Berova "Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy. Instrumentation, Methodologies, and Theoretical Simulations"
Peter Dalko I. "Comprehensive Enantioselective Organocatalysis. Catalysts, Reactions, and Applications, 3 Volume Set"
Christine Seymour "Comprehensive Quality by Design for Pharmaceutical Product Development and Manufacture"
Nan Maxwell L. "Comprehensive Reform for Student Success. New Directions for Community Colleges, Number 176"
Michel Ledoux "Compressible Flow Propulsion and Digital Approaches in Fluid Mechanics"
Bender Andreas "Computational Approaches in Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics"
Richard Catlow "Computational Approaches to Energy Materials"
Stephen Westland "Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB"
D. Young C. "Computational Drug Design. A Guide for Computational and Medicinal Chemists"
Ahmed Shabana A. "Computational Dynamics"
Robert Scott A. "Computational Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry"
Jeffrey Reimers R. "Computational Methods for Large Systems. Electronic Structure Approaches for Biotechnology and Nanot"
Djordje Peric "Computational Methods for Plasticity. Theory and Applications"
Michael Dolg "Computational Methods in Lanthanide and Actinide Chemistry"
Song Yan Y. "Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography"
Steven Bachrach M. "Computational Organic Chemistry"
Juergen Siepmann "Computational Pharmaceutics. Application of Molecular Modeling in Drug Delivery"
Salah Obayya "Computational Photonics"
Salah Obayya "Computational Photonics"
Cristian Bordeianu C. "Computational Physics. Problem Solving with Python"
Jörg Grunenberg "Computational Spectroscopy. Methods, Experiments and Applications"
Jörg Grunenberg "Computational Spectroscopy. Methods, Experiments and Applications"