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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 37
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Michael Knorrenschild "Statistik ohne Albträume. Eine Einführung für Biowissenschaftler"
Talbot John "Stephens' Detection and Evaluation of Adverse Drug Reactions. Principles and Practice"
Catherine Spong Y. "Stillbirth. Prediction, Prevention and Management"
Helen Zulch "Stress and Pheromonatherapy in Small Animal Clinical Behaviour"
Sandra Gemma "Structure-based Design of Drugs and Other Bioactive Molecules. Tools and Strategies"
Christon Hurst J. "Studies in Viral Ecology. Animal Host Systems"
Christon Hurst J. "Studies in Viral Ecology. Microbial and Botanical Host Systems"
Christon Hurst J. "Studies in Viral Ecology. Microbial and Botanical Host Systems"
Claire Boyd "Study Skills for Nurses"
Norman Sartorius "Substance Abuse Disorders. Evidence and Experience"
Peter Crome "Substance Use and Older People"
Daniele Martini De "Success Probability Estimation with Applications to Clinical Trials"
Sanjay Banypersad "Successful Accreditation in Echocardiography. A Self-Assessment Guide"
János Fischer "Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 1"
János Fischer "Successful Drug Discovery, Volume 2"
Jonathan Cohen "Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy"
Jonathan Cohen "Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy"
Hedley Rees "Supply Chain Management in the Drug Industry. Delivering Patient Value for Pharmaceuticals and Biolo"
Melissa Avery D. "Supporting a Physiologic Approach to Pregnancy and Birth. A Practical Guide"
Jose-Luis Ruiz "Supra-Gingival Minimally Invasive Dentistry. A Healthier Approach to Esthetic Restorations"
Borley Neil R. "Surgery at a Glance"
Watson Christopher "Surgery, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered"
Haacke E. Mark "Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in MRI. Basic Concepts and Clinical Applications"
Knut Schroeder "Sustainable Healthcare"
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Lockwood Craig "Synthesizing Qualitative Research. Choosing the Right Approach"
Young Daniel L. "Systems Biology in Drug Discovery and Development"
Edda Klipp "Systems Biology. A Textbook"
Nicholas Marquez-Grant "Taphonomy of Human Remains. Forensic Analysis of the Dead and the Depositional Environment"
Naidong Weng "Targeted Biomarker Quantitation by LC-MS"
Maurie Markman "Targeted Therapy in Translational Cancer Research"
Wood Michael W. "Targets and Emerging Therapies for Schizophrenia"
Linda Gask "Teaching Psychiatry. Putting Theory into Practice"
Wood Duncan J. "Techniques in Complete Denture Technology"
Gray Robin "Temporomandibular Disorders. A Problem-Based Approach"
Ernesto Tomei "Text-Atlas of Skeletal Age Determination. MRI of the Hand and Wrist in Children"
Kara Burns "Textbook for the Veterinary Assistant"
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Clive Cockram "Textbook of Diabetes"
Christine Lee A. "Textbook of Hemophilia"
Thomas Braciale J. "Textbook of Influenza"
Sean Hennessy "Textbook of Pharmacoepidemiology"
Peter Jones "Textbook of Psychiatric Epidemiology"
Derek Raghavan "Textbook of Uncommon Cancer"
Derek Raghavan "Textbook of Uncommon Cancer"
Knut Schroeder "The 10-Minute Clinical Assessment"
Michael Glick "The ADA Practical Guide to Patients with Medical Conditions"
J. Hall Michael "The ADA Practical Guide to Soft Tissue Oral Disease"
Michael O'Neil "The ADA Practical Guide to Substance Use Disorders and Safe Prescribing"
Brown Marie Annette "The Advanced Practice Registered Nurse as a Prescriber"
Ekins Sean "The Agile Approach to Adaptive Research. Optimizing Efficiency in Clinical Development"
Valentin Fuster "The AHA Guidelines and Scientific Statements Handbook"
The American Cancer Society "The American Cancer Society's Principles of Oncology. Prevention to Survivorship"
Humar Atul "The AST Handbook of Transplant Infections"
Robert Poulin "The Biology of Parasites"
Joseph Hanaway "The Brain Atlas. A Visual Guide to the Human Central Nervous System"
Russell Lopez P. "The Built Environment and Public Health"
Michelle Connolly J. "The Cardiovascular System at a Glance"
Graham Mulley "The Care Home Handbook"
Carol Dealey "The Care of Wounds. A Guide for Nurses"
Michel Henry "The Carotid and Supra-Aortic Trunks. Diagnosis, Angioplasty and Stenting"
Dianne Broussard M. "The Cerebellum. Learning Movement, Language, and Social Skills"
Joseph Ritter von Jordan "The Cervix"
Inna Khazan Z. "The Clinical Handbook of Biofeedback. A Step-by-Step Guide for Training and Practice with Mindfulnes"
Nicola Ackerman "The Consulting Veterinary Nurse"
Rachel Roberts "The CSA Exam. Maximizing your Success"
Cynthia Magro M. "The Cutaneous Lymphoid Proliferations. A Comprehensive Textbook of Lymphocytic Infiltrates of the Sk"
Hugh McKenna "The Delphi Technique in Nursing and Health Research"
Zahid Siddique "The Dental Foundation Interview Guide. With Situational Judgement Tests"
Stuart Froum "The Dentist's Drug and Prescription Guide"
Samuel Kramer "The Dentist's Quick Guide to Medical Conditions"
Salah Abdel-aleem M. "The Design and Management of Medical Device Clinical Trials. Strategies and Challenges"
Kevin Gatter "The Diagnosis of Lymphoproliferative Diseases"
Jeffrey Ferguson "The ECG in Prehospital Emergency Care"
Wood Diana "The Endocrine System at a Glance"
Castell Donald O. "The Esophagus"
Ian Peate "The Essential Guide to Becoming a Staff Nurse"
Michael Chernick R. "The Essentials of Biostatistics for Physicians, Nurses, and Clinicians"
David Baldwin "The Forensic Examination and Interpretation of Tool Marks"
Stuart Carney "The Foundation Programme at a Glance"
Sabyasachi Bhaumik "The Frith Prescribing Guidelines for People with Intellectual Disability"
J. Hardwick Marie "The Functions, Disease-Related Dysfunctions, and Therapeutic Targeting of Neuronal Mitochondria"
Kevin Mitchell J. "The Genetics of Neurodevelopmental Disorders"
Faith Gibson "The Great Ormond Street Hospital Manual of Children's Nursing Practices"
Steen Mary "The Handbook of Midwifery Research"
Anna Donald "The Hands-on Guide for Junior Doctors"
Sukhdev Chatu "The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology"
Sukhdev Chatu "The Hands-on Guide to Clinical Pharmacology"
David Levy "The Hands-on Guide to Diabetes Care in Hospital"
Luisa Cescutti-Butler "The Hands-on Guide to Midwifery Placements"
Caroline Fertleman "The Hands-on Guide to Practical Paediatrics"
Matthew Stephenson "The Hands-on Guide to Surgical Training"
Anna Donald "The Hands-on Guide to the Foundation Programme"
Provost Lloyd P. "The Health Care Data Guide. Learning from Data for Improvement"
Simon Stewart "The Heart of Africa. Clinical Profile of an Evolving Burden of Heart Disease in Africa"
Brian Henderson "The Human Microbiota and Chronic Disease. Dysbiosis as a Cause of Human Pathology"
David Fredricks N. "The Human Microbiota. How Microbial Communities Affect Health and Disease"
Jorgen Nordenstrom "The Hunt for the Parathyroids"
Sophie Hill "The Knowledgeable Patient. Communication and Participation in Health"
Penny Simkin "The Labor Progress Handbook. Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia"
Ancheta Ruth "The Labor Progress Handbook. Early Interventions to Prevent and Treat Dystocia"
David Buckingham "The Material Child. Growing up in Consumer Culture"
David Taylor "The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry"
Cynthia Magro M. "The Melanocytic Proliferations. A Comprehensive Textbook of Pigmented Lesions"
Wild Sarah H. "The Metabolic Syndrome"
Charles Cathy "The Midwife's Labour and Birth Handbook"
Fiona Bath-Hextall "The New Prescriber. An Integrated Approach to Medical and Non-medical Prescribing"
Darwin Deen "The Nurse Practitioner's Guide to Nutrition"
David Colby C. "The Nursing Profession. Development, Challenges, and Opportunities"
Tom Kenny "The Nuts and Bolts of Implantable Device Therapy. Pacemakers"
Richard Cousley "The Orthodontic Mini-implant Clinical Handbook"
James DiNardo A. "The Pediatric Cardiac Anesthesia Handbook"
Alistair Farley "The Physiological Effects of Ageing"
Helen MD Kay "The Placenta. From Development to Disease"
Robin Bennett L. "The Practical Guide to the Genetic Family History"
Ngai-Yin Chan "The Practice of Catheter Cryoablation for Cardiac Arrhythmias"
Jerald Kay "The Psychiatric Interview. Evaluation and Diagnosis"
Sara Guastello "The Putting Patients First Field Guide. Global Lessons in Designing and Implementing Patient-Centere"
Christopher O'Callaghan "The Renal System at a Glance"
Danny Schust J. "The Reproductive System at a Glance"
Kate Gerrish "The Research Process in Nursing"
Kate Gerrish "The Research Process in Nursing"
Jane Ward "The Respiratory System at a Glance"
Lisa Dougherty "The Royal Marsden Manual of Cancer Nursing Procedures"
Lister Sara "The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures"
Lisa Dougherty "The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures"
Dahlem Gregory A. "The Science of Forensic Entomology"
Lundberg Ulf "The Science of Occupational Health. Stress, Psychobiology, and the New World of Work"
Salzberg Claudia "The Strategic Application of Information Technology in Health Care Organizations"
Ian Peate "The Student Nurse Toolkit. An Essential Guide for Surviving Your Course"
Ian Peate "The Student's Guide to Becoming a Midwife"
Ian Peate "The Student's Guide to Becoming a Nurse"
Dilyse Nuttall "The Textbook of Non-Medical Prescribing"
John Posner "The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine"
More Max "The Transhumanist Reader. Classical and Contemporary Essays on the Science, Technology, and Philosop"
Emilio Perucca "The Treatment of Epilepsy"
Joel Paris "The Use and Misuse of Psychiatric Drugs. An Evidence-Based Critique"
Robert Hubrecht C. "The Welfare of Animals Used in Research. Practice and Ethics"
Botana Luis M. "Therapeutic Targets. Modulation, Inhibition, and Activation"
Hugo Kubinyi "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Drug Binding"
Mecozzi Sandro "Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems. An introduction to Theory and Applications"
Paolo Miccoli "Thyroid Surgery. Preventing and Managing Complications"
David Baguley "Tinnitus. A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Ronald Eisenberg L. "Tips for the Residency Match. What Residency Directors Are Really Looking For"
Brubaker Scott A. "Tissue and Cell Clinical Use. An Essential Guide"
Deirdre Fehily "Tissue and Cell Processing. An Essential Guide"
Rachel Waddington J. "Tissue Engineering and Regeneration in Dentistry. Current Strategies"
Christian Wittekind "TNM Atlas"
Christian Wittekind "TNM Atlas"
Christian Wittekind "TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours"