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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 35
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Lydia Love "Pain Management in Veterinary Practice"
Erdine Serdar "Pain-Relieving Procedures. The Illustrated Guide"
Antonio Dans L. "Painless Evidence-Based Medicine"
Akimasa Nakao "Pancreatic Cancer, Cystic Neoplasms and Endocrine Tumors. Diagnosis and Management"
Peter Cotton B. "Pancreatitis. Medical and Surgical Management"
Gunn Alan "Parasitology. An Integrated Approach"
John Cox "Parenthood and Mental Health. A bridge between infant and adult psychiatry"
Fabrizio Stocchi "Parkinson's Disease. Non-Motor and Non-Dopaminergic Features"
Anthony Griffiths "Part 2 MRCOG: Single Best Answer Questions"
Mike Slade "Partnering for Recovery in Mental Health. A Practical Guide to Person-Centered Planning"
Laura Tollen A. "Partners in Health. How Physicians and Hospitals can be Accountable Together"
Jonathan Gleadle "Passing the FRACP Written Examination. Questions and Answers"
Stephen Barthold W. "Pathology of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits"
Gary Kanel C. "Pathology of Liver Diseases"
Robert Schmidt E. "Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds"
Marina Brash L. "Pathology of Small Mammal Pets"
Ian Peate "Pathophysiology for Nurses at a Glance"
Bruno Vellas "Pathy's Principles and Practice of Geriatric Medicine"
Carl Heneghan "Patient and Public Involvement Toolkit"
Charles Vincent "Patient Safety"
Aziz Sheikh "Patient Safety and Healthcare Improvement at a Glance"
Franklin B. Saksena "Patient Studies in Valvular, Congenital and Rarer Forms of Cardiovascular Disease. An Integrative Ap"
Constantine Mavroudis "Pediatric Cardiac Surgery"
Moller James H. "Pediatric Cardiology. The Essential Pocket Guide"
Moller James H. "Pediatric Cardiovascular Medicine"
Goran Koch "Pediatric Dentistry. A Clinical Approach"
Dianne Murphy "Pediatric Drug Development"
Israel Franco "Pediatric Incontinence. Evaluation and Clinical Management"
Lewis Elise M. "Pediatric Non-Clinical Drug Testing. Principles, Requirements, and Practice"
Suskind David "Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. An Algorithmic Approach"
Andres Martin "Pediatric Psycho-oncology. Psychosocial Aspects and Clinical Interventions"
Mohan Gundeti S. "Pediatric Robotic and Reconstructive Urology. A Comprehensive Guide"
Martin Koyle A. "Pediatric Urology. Surgical Complications and Management"
Ben Dunn M. "Peptide Chemistry and Drug Design"
Castanho Miguel "Peptide Drug Discovery and Development. Translational Research in Academia and Industry"
Monga Manoj "Percutaneous Renal Surgery"
Ryane Englar E. "Performing the Small Animal Physical Examination"
Gregory Matte S. "Perfusion for Congenital Heart Surgery. Notes on Cardiopulmonary Bypass for a Complex Patient Popula"
Susan Wingrove S. "Peri-Implant Therapy for the Dental Hygienist. Clinical Guide to Maintenance and Disease Complicatio"
Frederick Hains "Periodontal-Restorative Interrelationships. Ensuring Clinical Success"
Valerie Clerehugh "Periodontology at a Glance"
Joel Symons "Perioperative Medicine for the Junior Clinician, Enhanced Edition"
Paul Wicker "Perioperative Practice at a Glance"
Emile Mohler R. "Peripheral Artery Disease"
Brendan McCormack "Person-Centred Healthcare Research"
McCormack Brendan "Person-centred Nursing. Theory and Practice"
Brendan McCormack "Person-Centred Practice in Nursing and Health Care. Theory and Practice"
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli "Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians"
Mohammad Al-Ubaydli "Personal Health Records. A Guide for Clinicians"
Kristin Ciriello Pothier "Personalizing Precision Medicine. A Global Voyage from Vision to Reality"
McQueen Anne "Perspectives on Cancer Care"
David Fischer "Pesticide Risk Assessment for Pollinators"
Mark Davison "Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting. Combating the Real Danger from Fake Drugs"
Maria Teixeira Glaucia "Pharmaceutical Calculations"
Ekins Sean "Pharmaceutical Data Mining. Approaches and Applications for Drug Discovery"
Otilia M. Y. Koo "Pharmaceutical Excipients. Properties, Functionality, and Applications in Research and Industry"
Hansen Neal "Pharmaceutical Lifecycle Management. Making the Most of Each and Every Brand"
Lodola Alberto "Pharmaceutical Toxicology in Practice. A Guide to Non-clinical Development"
Sean Hennessy "Pharmacoepidemiology"
Anke-Hilse Maitland-van der Zee "Pharmacogenetics and Individualized Therapy"
Dasgupta Amitava "Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Therapeutics"
Toshihisa Ishikawa "Pharmacogenomics of Human Drug Transporters. Clinical Impacts"
Hugo Kubinyi "Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism in Drug Design"
Gershon Samuel "Pharmacotherapy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders"
Justina Orleans-Lindsay "Pharmacovigilance Medical Writing. A Good Practice Guide"
Michael Rieth "Pharmazeutische Mikrobiologie. Qualitätssicherung, Monitoring, Betriebshygiene"
Steven Furney R. "Philosophical Foundations of Health Education"
Hugo Kubinyi "Phosphodiesterases and Their Inhibitors"
Lieberman Bruce S. "Phylogenetics. Theory and Practice of Phylogenetic Systematics"
Carol Cox "Physical Assessment for Nurses"
Carol Cox L. "Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals"
Klara Valko "Physicochemical and Biomimetic Properties in Drug Discovery, Enhanced Edition. Chromatographic Techn"
Sheila Peters Annie "Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling and Simulations. Principles, Methods, and Appl"
Linden Roger W.A. "Physiology at a Glance"
Roger W. A. Linden "Physiology at a Glance"
Iqbal Ramzan "Phytotherapies. Efficacy, Safety, and Regulation"
Geraldine Hunt B. "Pitfalls in Veterinary Surgery"
Duncan Henry F. "Pitt Ford's Problem-Based Learning in Endodontology"
Shereen Ezzat "Pituitary Disorders. Diagnosis and Management"
Gerjo Kok "Planning Health Promotion Programs. An Intervention Mapping Approach"
Duarte Miguel F. Prazeres "Plasmid Biopharmaceuticals. Basics, Applications, and Manufacturing"
Ross Farhadieh "Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Approaches and Techniques"
Joseph Choukroun "Platelet Rich Fibrin in Regenerative Dentistry. Biological Background and Clinical Indications"
Lowe Robert C. "Pocket Guide to GastrointestinaI Drugs"
Mike Davis "Pocket Guide to Teaching for Clinical Instructors"
Sakellariou Dikaios "Politics of Occupation-Centred Practice. Reflections on Occupational Engagement Across Cultures"
Jens-Uwe Peters "Polypharmacology in Drug Discovery"
Roberto Franchis de "Portal Hypertension V. Proceedings of the Fifth Baveno International Consensus Workshop"
Wendy Lee "Post Registration Qualifications for Dental Care Professionals. Questions and Answers"
A. Hoffbrand Victor "Postgraduate Haematology"
J. Bremner Douglas "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. From Neurobiology to Treatment"
Jane Hartley "Practical Approach to Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition"
Elias Hanna B. "Practical Cardiovascular Medicine"
Aurora Villarroel "Practical Clinical Epidemiology for the Veterinarian"
Peter Rubin H. "Practical Colonoscopy"
Guy Van-Vliet "Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children"
Mike Leach "Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology Diagnosis"
Mike Leach "Practical Flow Cytometry in Haematology. 100 Worked Examples"
Nicholas Talley J. "Practical Gastroenterology and Hepatology Board Review Toolkit"
Curtis Dewey W. "Practical Guide to Canine and Feline Neurology"
Pierre Jais "Practical Guide to Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation"
Dayi Hu "Practical Handbook of Advanced Interventional Cardiology. Tips and Tricks"
Joel Felner "Practical Handbook of Echocardiography. 101 Case Studies"
Michael Makris "Practical Hemostasis and Thrombosis"
Sudhesh Kumar "Practical Manual of Clinical Obesity"
Fridman Vladimir "Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting"
Frank Berkowitz E. "Practical Medical Microbiology for Clinicians"
Rachel Thomas K. "Practical Medical Procedures at a Glance"
Dibart Jean-Pierre "Practical Osseous Surgery in Periodontics and Implant Dentistry"
Paula J. Adams Hillard "Practical Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology"
Gershman George "Practical Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy"
Serge Dibart "Practical Periodontal Plastic Surgery"
D. Salmon Michael "Practical Pharmacology for the Pharmaceutical Sciences"
David Prydie "Practical Physiotherapy for Small Animal Practice"
Donna Carver "Practical Physiotherapy for Veterinary Nurses"
Subir Banerji "Practical Procedures in Aesthetic Dentistry"
Anthony Bewley "Practical Psychodermatology"
Mark Yazer H. "Practical Transfusion Medicine"
Michael Murphy F. "Practical Transfusion Medicine"
Carolyn Sink A. "Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner"
Suzanne Easton "Practical Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging"
Sink Carolyn A. "Practical Veterinary Urinalysis"
Scott Ian "Practice Based Learning in Nursing, Health and Social Care: Mentorship, Facilitation and Supervision"
Brendan McCormack "Practice Development in Nursing and Healthcare"
Brendan McCormack "Practice Development Workbook for Nursing, Health and Social Care Teams"
James Field "Pre-Clinical Dental Skills at a Glance"
Timothy Parker "Pre-hospital Emergency Medicine at a Glance"
Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) "Pre-hospital Obstetric Emergency Training. The Practical Approach"
Urban Laszlo "Predictive ADMET. Integrated Approaches in Drug Discovery and Development"
Sean Ekins "Predictive Approaches in Drug Discovery and Development. Biomarkers and In Vitro / In Vivo Correlati"
Hugo Kubinyi "Predictive Toxicology. From Vision to Reality"
Deborah Conway "Pregnancy in the Obese Woman. Clinical Management"
Janet Engstrom "Prenatal and Postnatal Care"
Joyce Fox E. "Prenatal Diagnosis. Cases and Clinical Challenges"
Sarah Ross "Prescribing at a Glance"
Andrew Hitchings "Prescribing Scenarios at a Glance"
Steven Zeisel H. "Present Knowledge in Nutrition"
Hien Ngo C. "Preservation and Restoration of Tooth Structure"
Larry Cohen "Prevention Is Primary. Strategies for Community Well Being"
Reddy Prasuna "Prevention of Diabetes"
Amy Salmon "Prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder FASD. Who is responsible?"
Katona Cornelius "Principles and Practice of Geriatric Psychiatry"
Lionel Edwards D. "Principles and Practice of Pharmaceutical Medicine"
Jane Zuckerman N. "Principles and Practice of Travel Medicine"
U. J. Moore "Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery"
Mark Fox "Principles of Veterinary Parasitology"
Plevris John N. "Problem-based Approach to Gastroenterology and Hepatology"
Uwe Gottschalk "Process Scale Purification of Antibodies"
Hugo Kubinyi "Prodrugs and Targeted Delivery. Towards Better ADME Properties"
Joseph Bertolini "Production of Plasma Proteins for Therapeutic Use"