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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 33
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Peter Rae "Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistry"
Diana Wood "Lecture Notes: Clinical Medicine"
Graham-Brown Robin "Lecture Notes: Dermatology"
Robin Graham-Brown "Lecture Notes: Dermatology"
Ray Clarke "Lecture Notes: Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat"
Wilson K. Jane "Lecture Notes: Elderly Care Medicine"
David Yates "Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine"
Yoav Ben-Shlomo "Lecture Notes: Epidemiology, Evidence-based Medicine and Public Health"
Anton Emmanuel "Lecture Notes: Gastroenterology and Hepatology"
Sir Ellis Harold "Lecture Notes: General Surgery"
Sir Ellis Harold "Lecture Notes: General Surgery"
Deborah Hay "Lecture Notes: Haematology"
Deborah Hay "Lecture Notes: Haematology"
Gavin Spickett "Lecture Notes: Immunology"
Spickett Gavin "Lecture Notes: Immunology"
Tom Elliott "Lecture Notes: Medical Microbiology and Infection"
Lionel Ginsberg "Lecture Notes: Neurology"
Jonathan Waxman "Lecture Notes: Oncology"
Bower Mark "Lecture Notes: Oncology"
James Bruce "Lecture Notes: Ophthalmology"
Jonathan Darling C. "Lecture Notes: Paediatrics"
Gautam Gulati "Lecture Notes: Psychiatry"
Paul Harrison "Lecture Notes: Psychiatry"
Pradip Patel R. "Lecture Notes: Radiology"
Graham Burns P. "Lecture Notes: Respiratory Medicine"
Graham Burns P. "Lecture Notes: Respiratory Medicine"
Geoff Gill "Lecture Notes: Tropical Medicine"
Blandy John "Lecture Notes: Urology"
Katharine Pigott "Lecture Notes: Urology"
Barbara Bain J. "Leukaemia Diagnosis"
Carole Hollins "Levison's Textbook for Dental Nurses, Enhanced Edition"
Maureen McMichael "Life-Threatening Cardiac Emergencies for the Small Animal Practitioner"
Findlay John W. "Ligand-Binding Assays. Development, Validation, and Implementation in the Drug Development Arena"
Navin Nanda "Live/Real Time 3D Echocardiography"
Mohamed El-Azzazi "Liver Imaging. MRI with CT Correlation"
James Ferguson "Liver Transplantation. Clinical Assessment and Management"
Rui Fernandes "Local and Regional Flaps in Head and Neck Reconstruction. A Practical Approach"
Leonard Cole A. "Local Planning for Terror and Disaster. From Bioterrorism to Earthquakes"
Matthew Barnhart D. "Locking Plates in Veterinary Orthopedics"
Randall Sue "Long-Term Conditions. A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals"
Meerabeau Liz "Long-Term Conditions. Nursing Care and Management"
Jack Roth A. "Lung Cancer"
Alison Leary "Lung Cancer. A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Alison Leary "Lung Cancer. A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Sunil Sood K. "Lyme Borreliosis in Europe and North America. Epidemiology and Clinical Practice"
Ramesh Venkatesan "Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Physical Principles and Sequence Design"
Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) "Major Incident Medical Management and Support. The Practical Approach at the Scene"
Paul Redmond "Make A Decision: Surgery"
Kevin McVary T. "Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia"
John Mulhall "Male Sexual Dysfunction. A Clinical Guide"
John Webster "Management and Welfare of Farm Animals. The UFAW Farm Handbook"
Wood Terry "Management of Chemical and Biological Samples for Screening Applications"
Richard Paulson "Management of Common Problems in Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Dayi Hu "Management of Complex Cardiovascular Problems"
Michael Miloro "Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery"
Allanson Judith E. "Management of Genetic Syndromes"
Denise Barnard "Management of Heart Failure"
Cheryl Lopate "Management of Pregnant and Neonatal Dogs, Cats, and Exotic Pets"
Kara Watts L. "Management of Urologic Cancer. Focal Therapy and Tissue Preservation"
Betteridge D. John "Managing Cardiovascular Complications in Diabetes"
Jane Bonehill "Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide"
Jane Bonehill "Managing Health and Safety in the Dental Practice. A Practical Guide"
David Bradley "Managing Minor Musculoskeletal Injuries and Conditions"
Stephanie Dowden "Managing Pain in Children. A Clinical Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals"
Foster Alethea V.M. "Managing the Diabetic Foot"
Rebecca Perley "Managing the Long-Term Care Facility. Practical Approaches to Providing Quality Care"
Nicholas Moore "Mann's Pharmacovigilance"
Mark Leitman W. "Manual for Eye Examination and Diagnosis"
Mursell Ian "Manual of Clinical Paramedic Procedures"
Nairn Wilson "Manual of Clinical Procedures in Dentistry"
Mary Paradis Rose "Manual of Clinical Procedures in the Horse"
Allan Truant L. "Manual of Commercial Methods in Clinical Microbiology"
John Dunn "Manual of Diagnostic Cytology of the Dog and Cat"
Joan Gandy "Manual of Dietetic Practice"
Gary Baxter M. "Manual of Equine Lameness"
Pushkar Mehra "Manual of Minor Oral Surgery for the General Dentist"
Robert Bojar M. "Manual of Perioperative Care in Adult Cardiac Surgery"
Kate Woodhead "Manual of Perioperative Care. An Essential Guide"
David Kavanagh "Manual of Psychosocial Rehabilitation"
Hossein Ardehali "Manual of Research Techniques in Cardiovascular Medicine"
Kenneth Drobatz J. "Manual of Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Medicine"
Sameer Mehta "Manual of STEMI Interventions"
Edward Wright F. "Manual of Temporomandibular Disorders"
Kenichiro Yagi "Manual of Veterinary Transfusion Medicine and Blood Banking"
Xueliang Li "Mathematical Foundations and Applications of Graph Entropy"
Haikady Nagaraja N. "Measuring Agreement. Models, Methods, and Applications"
J. Salway G. "Medical Biochemistry at a Glance"
Clavien Pierre-Alain "Medical Care of the Liver Transplant Patient"
Douglas Owens K. "Medical Decision Making"
Waugh Jason "Medical Disorders in Pregnancy. A Manual for Midwives"
Judy McKimm "Medical Education at a Glance"
Michael Boylan "Medical Ethics"
British Association Medical "Medical Ethics Today. The BMA's Handbook of Ethics and Law"
Michael Dunn "Medical Ethics, Law and Communication at a Glance"
Korf Bruce R. "Medical Genetics at a Glance"
Patrizio Capasso "Medical Imaging. Essentials for Physicians"
Robert Bill "Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Technicians"
Bamford Kathleen "Medical Microbiology and Infection at a Glance"
Darwin Deen "Medical Nutrition and Disease. A Case-Based Approach"
Michael Neal J. "Medical Pharmacology at a Glance"
Rachel Thomas K. "Medical School at a Glance"
Michael Randall D. "Medical Sciences at a Glance"
Peter Abrahams "Medical Sciences at a Glance. Practice Workbook"
Aviva Petrie "Medical Statistics at a Glance Workbook"
David Bowers "Medical Statistics from Scratch. An Introduction for Health Professionals"
Belinda Barton "Medical Statistics. A Guide to SPSS, Data Analysis and Critical Appraisal"
David Machin "Medical Statistics. A Textbook for the Health Sciences"
Ian Peate "Medical-Surgical Nursing at a Glance"
Li-He Zhang "Medicinal Chemistry of Nucleic Acids"
Patrick Davey "Medicine at a Glance"
Claire Boyd "Medicine Management Skills for Nurses"
Simon Young "Medicines Management for Nurses at a Glance"
Grahame Smith "Mental Health Nursing at a Glance"
Norman Sartorius "Mental Illness, Discrimination and the Law. Fighting for Social Justice"
Janet Thompson "Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare. A Practical Approach"
Helen Woolnough M. "Mentoring in Nursing and Healthcare. Supporting Career and Personal Development"
Sharon Straus "Mentorship in Academic Medicine"
Robert Eckel H. "Metabolic Risk for Cardiovascular Disease"
Tahira Farooqui "Metabolic Syndrome and Neurological Disorders"
Undurti Das N. "Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids"
Undurti Das N. "Metabolic Syndrome Pathophysiology. The Role of Essential Fatty Acids"
Minghan Wang "Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies"
Minghan Wang "Metabolic Syndrome. Underlying Mechanisms and Drug Therapies"
J. Salway G. "Metabolism at a Glance"
Anzenbacher Pavel "Metabolism of Drugs and Other Xenobiotics"
Crichton Robert "Metal-Based Neurodegeneration. From Molecular Mechanisms to Therapeutic Strategies"
Joachim Ermer "Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Analysis. A Guide to Best Practice"
Harvey Goldstein "Methodological Developments in Data Linkage"
N. Balakrishnan "Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 1. Concepts, Principles, Trials, a"
N. Balakrishnan "Methods and Applications of Statistics in Clinical Trials, Volume 2. Planning, Analysis, and Inferen"
Eugenia Eng "Methods for Community-Based Participatory Research for Health"
Jay Kaufman S. "Methods in Social Epidemiology"
Mousumi Debnath "Microbes. Concepts and Applications"
Barton Larry L. "Microbial Ecology"
Anne-Marie Delort "Microbiology of Aerosols"
Gabriel Bitton "Microbiology of Drinking Water. Production and Distribution"
Martin Leahy J. "Microcirculation Imaging"
Ryan Donnelly F. "Microneedle-mediated Transdermal and Intradermal Drug Delivery"
Syngcuk Kim "Microsurgery in Endodontics"
Eleanor Forrest "Midwifery at a Glance"
Melissa A. Day "Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Chronic Pain. A Clinical Manual and Guide"
Trish Bartley "Mindfulness. A Kindly Approach to Being with Cancer"
Mahmoud Torabinejad "Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. Properties and Clinical Applications"
Somerman Martha J. "Mineralized Tissues in Oral and Craniofacial Science. Biological Principles and Clinical Correlates"
Stephen K. Harrel "Minimally Invasive Periodontal Therapy. Clinical Techniques and Visualization Technology"
Francis Morris "Minor Injury and Minor Illness at a Glance"
Helen Mohan "Minor Surgery at a Glance"
Jo Rycroft-Malone "Models and Frameworks for Implementing Evidence-Based Practice. Linking Evidence to Action"
Peter Tyrer "Models for Mental Disorder"
Lesley Stanley "Molecular and Cellular Toxicology. An Introduction"