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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 32
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Thomas Ross K. "Health Care Quality Management. Tools and Applications"
Elias Jorge "Health Care Reform in Radiology"
Renata Schiavo "Health Communication. From Theory to Practice"
Renata Schiavo "Health Communication. From Theory to Practice"
Margaret Skurka A. "Health Information Management. Principles and Organization for Health Information Services"
Henrie Treadwell M. "Health Issues in the Black Community"
Venkatapuram Sridhar "Health Justice. An Argument from the Capabilities Approach"
Beaufort B. Longest, Jr. "Health Program Management. From Development Through Evaluation"
Carl Fertman I. "Health Promotion Programs. From Theory to Practice"
Carl Fertman I. "Health Promotion Programs. From Theory to Practice"
Jean Orr "Health Visiting. A Rediscovery"
Charlotte Rees E. "Healthcare Professionalism. Improving Practice through Reflections on Workplace Dilemmas"
Michelle Kelly "Healthcare Simulation Education. Evidence, Theory and Practice"
Voigt Gregg L. "Hematology Techniques and Concepts for Veterinary Technicians"
Jens Langhoff-Roos "Hemostasis and Thrombosis in Obstetrics and Gynecology"
Roberts Harold R. "Hemostasis and Thrombosis. Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management"
DeVries René R.P. "Hemovigilance. An Effective Tool for Improving Transfusion Safety"
Todd Pawlicki "Hendee's Radiation Therapy Physics"
Deepak Joshi "Hepatology at a Glance"
Guha Indra Neil "Hepatology: Clinical Cases Uncovered"
E. Heathcote Jenny "Hepatology. Diagnosis and Clinical Management"
Giuseppe Micali "Hidradenitis Suppurativa. A Diagnostic Atlas"
Bruce Grahn "Histologic Basis of Ocular Disease in Animals"
Michelle Peckham "Histology at a Glance"
Jonathan Gleadle "History and Clinical Examination at a Glance"
Igor Grant "HIV and Psychiatry"
A. Hoffbrand Victor "Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology"
Martine Piccart-Gebhart "Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine"
Mario Maggi "Hormonal Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction"
Jessica Pierce "Hospice and Palliative Care for Companion Animals. Principles and Practice"
Paul Aronowitz "Hospital Images. A Clinical Atlas"
Sanjay Saint "Hospital-Based Palliative Medicine. A Practical, Evidence-Based Approach"
Kenneth Simone G. "Hospitalist Recruitment and Retention. Building a Hospital Medicine Program"
David Wesorick H. "Hospitalists' Guide to the Care of Older Patients"
Gottfried Unden "Host - Pathogen Interaction. Microbial Metabolism, Pathogenicity and Antiinfectives"
J. Neal Matthew "How the Endocrine System Works"
Lauren Sompayrac M. "How the Immune System Works"
Mike Davis "How to Assess Doctors and Health Professionals"
Ann Griffin "How to Assess Students and Trainees in Medicine and Health"
David Ashton "How to be a Nurse or Midwife Leader"
Rachel Allen "How to Complete a PhD in the Medical and Clinical Sciences"
Stephen Walters J. "How to Design, Analyse and Report Cluster Randomised Trials in Medicine and Health Related Research"
Lisa E. Taylor "How to Develop Your Healthcare Career. A Guide to Employability and Professional Development"
Caroline Beardsmore "How to Do Your Research Project. A Guide for Students in Medicine and The Health Sciences"
Nicholas Clarke "How to Manage Dementia in General Practice"
Slavin Laurence "How to Manage Your GP Practice"
Cheryl Johnson "How to Pass the RACP Written and Clinical Exams. The Insider's Guide"
Robinson Neville "How to Present at Meetings"
Peter Donnelly "How to Succeed at E-learning"
Evans Dason "How to Succeed at Medical School. An Essential Guide to Learning"
Meeking Darryl "How to Succeed at the Medical Interview"
Henning Sass "How to Succeed in Psychiatry. A Guide to Training and Practice"
David Pearson "How to Succeed on Primary Care and Community Placements"
Ilene Brenner R. "How to Survive a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit. The Physician's Roadmap for Success"
Janine Brooks "How to Survive Dental Performance Difficulties"
William Fawcett "How to Survive in Anaesthesia"
Mary Seabrook "How to Teach in Clinical Settings"
Mike Davis "How to Teach Using Simulation in Healthcare"
Allan Hackshaw "How to Write a Grant Application"
George Hall M. "How To Write a Paper"
Colin Rees "How To Write Your Nursing Dissertation"
Norman Hodges A. "Hugo and Russell's Pharmaceutical Microbiology"
Geoff Daniels "Human Blood Groups"
Sunit Singh Kumar "Human Emerging and Re-emerging Infections"
Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) "Human Factors in the Health Care Setting. A Pocket Guide for Clinical Instructors"
Korf Bruce R. "Human Genetics and Genomics"
Brogden Kim "Human Oral Mucosa. Development, Structure and Function"
Joan Pynes E. "Human Resources Management for Health Care Organizations. A Strategic Approach"
Michael Rieth "Hygiene in der Arzneimittelproduktion. Sterile und nicht-sterile Arzneiformen"
Albanese Alberto "Hyperkinetic Movement Disorders. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment"
K. Rainsford D. "Ibuprofen. Discovery, Development and Therapeutics"
David Elder "ICH Quality Guidelines. An Implementation Guide"
David Warnock W. "Identification of Pathogenic Fungi"
Andrea Lenzi "Imaging in Endocrinology"
Emmanuel Reynaud G. "Imaging Marine Life. Macrophotography and Microscopy Approaches for Marine Biology"
Schweitzer Mark E. "Imaging Musculoskeletal Trauma. Interpretation and Reporting"
Arnulf Oppelt "Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics. Fundamentals, Technical Solutions and Applications for Syst"
Arnulf Oppelt "Imaging Systems for Medical Diagnostics. Fundamentals, Technical Solutions and Applications for Syst"
Tracey Lamb "Immunity to Parasitic Infection"
Barbel Hacker "Immunologie für Dummies"
Playfair J. H.L. "Immunology at a Glance"
Coico Richard "Immunology. A Short Course"
Bruce Kaplan "Immunotherapy in Transplantation. Principles and Practice"
Bernard Naafs "Imported Skin Diseases"
Bendaly Leslie "Improving Healthcare Team Performance. The 7 Requirements for Excellence in Patient Care"
Graham Thornicroft "Improving Mental Health Care. The Global Challenge"
David Davis "Improving Patient Care. The Implementation of Change in Health Care"
Hugo Kubinyi "In vivo Models for Drug Discovery"
Jonathan McConnell "Index of Medical Imaging"
Debbie Weston "Infection Prevention and Control at a Glance"
Kenneth Campbell "Infectious Causes of Cancer. A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals"
Ruth Lynfield "Infectious Disease Surveillance"
Anna Meredith "Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals and Birds in Europe"
Eskild Petersen "Infectious Diseases. A Geographic Guide"
Eskild Petersen "Infectious Diseases. A Geographic Guide"
Emre Seli "Infertility"
K. Izuhara "Inflammation and Allergy Drug Design"
Mervyn Singer "Inflammation. From Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms to the Clinic"
Daniel Podolsky K. "Inflammatory Bowel Diseases. A Clinician's Guide"
Jorg Goronzy J. "Inflammatory Diseases of Blood Vessels"
Garner Michelle "Initial Management of Acute Medical Patients. A Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Practitioners"
Wertz Philip W. "Innate Immune System of Skin and Oral Mucosa. Properties and Impact in Pharmaceutics, Cosmetics, and"
Krishnan Vinod "Integrated Clinical Orthodontics"
Joseph Noar "Interceptive Orthodontics. A Practical Guide to Occlusal Management"
Roongroj Bhidayasiri "International Neurology"
E. Ferrannini "International Textbook of Diabetes Mellitus"
Shawneen Gonzalez M. "Interpretation Basics of Cone Beam Computed Tomography"
Nicola Pusterla "Interpretation of Equine Laboratory Diagnostics"
Bernard Robertson "Interpreting Evidence. Evaluating Forensic Science in the Courtroom"
Bruce Thompson R. "Interpreting Lung Function Tests. A Step-by Step Guide"
Richard Siegert J. "Interprofessional Rehabilitation. A Person-Centred Approach"
Scott Reeves "Interprofessional Teamwork for Health and Social Care"
Peter Barlis "Interventional Cardiology. Principles and Practice"
Peter Barlis "Interventional Cardiology. Principles and Practice"
Peter Scardino "Interventional Techniques in Uro-oncology"
Su Celina "Introducing Global Health: Practice, Policy, and Solutions"
Robert Hirsch P. "Introduction to Biostatistical Applications in Health Research with Microsoft Office Excel"
Manoj Sharma "Introduction to Community and Public Health"
Ralph DiClemente J. "Introduction to Global Health Promotion"
Yosef Dlugacz D. "Introduction to Health Care Quality. Theory, Methods, and Tools"
Tina Evans Marie "Introduction to Health Care Services: Foundations and Challenges"
Anastasia Snelling M. "Introduction to Health Promotion"
Andrew Easton J. "Introduction to Modern Virology"
Elizabeth Rayhel A. "Introduction to One Health. An Interdisciplinary Approach to Planetary Health"
Jill Fiedler-Kelly "Introduction to Population Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Analysis with Nonlinear Mixed Effects M"
Roni Neff "Introduction to the US Food System. Public Health, Environment, and Equity"
Frank Nicholas W. "Introduction to Veterinary Genetics"
James E. Miller "Introductory Linguistics for Speech and Language Therapy Practice"
Rachel Jones "Irigaray"
Rachel Jones "Irigaray"
Robert Crichton "Iron Metabolism. From Molecular Mechanisms to Clinical Consequences"
Quigley Eamonn M.M. "Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Diagnosis and Clinical Management"
Michael O'Brien "Jones' Clinical Paediatric Surgery"
Dafydd Hywel "Key Notes on Plastic Surgery"
Helen Noble "Kidney Disease Management. A Practical Approach for the Non-Specialist Healthcare Practitioner"
Ramoni Marco "Knowledge-Based Bioinformatics. From analysis to interpretation"
Mayr Lorenz M. "Label-Free Technologies For Drug Discovery"
Cohen Wayne R. "Labor and Delivery Care. A Practical Guide"
Claudius Conrad "Laparoscopic Liver, Pancreas, and Biliary Surgery. Textbook and Illustrated Video Atlas"
Laura Lien "Large Animal Medicine for Veterinary Technicians"
John C. Godbold, Jr. "Laser Therapy in Veterinary Medicine. Photobiomodulation"
David Shore A. "Launching and Leading Change Initiatives in Health Care Organizations. Managing Successful Projects"
Judith Hendrick "Law and Ethics in Children's Nursing"
Rankovic Zoran "Lead Generation Approaches in Drug Discovery"
Dinesh Bhugra "Leadership in Psychiatry"
Debra Fearns "Learning Disability Nursing at a Glance"
Peter Rae "Lecture Notes Clinical Biochemistry"
Elizabeth Armstrong-Mensah A. "Lecture Notes Global Health. Issues, Challenges, and Global Action"
Bruce James "Lecture Notes Ophthalmology"
Geoffrey Beckett "Lecture Notes: Clinical Biochemistry"