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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 30
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Deirdre Kelly A. "Diseases of the Liver and Biliary System in Children"
Nestor Cohenca "Disinfection of Root Canal Systems. The Treatment of Apical Periodontitis"
Marshburn Paul "Disorders of Menstruation"
Beverly Malone "Diversity and Cultural Competence in Health Care. A Systems Approach"
Michael Wilson P. "Doing Research in Emergency and Acute Care. Making Order Out of Chaos"
Hugo Kubinyi "Drug Bioavailability. Estimation of Solubility, Permeability, Absorption and Bioavailability"
Li Chun "Drug Delivery Applications of Noninvasive Imaging. Validation from Biodistribution to Sites of Actio"
Felix Kratz "Drug Delivery in Oncology. From Basic Research to Cancer Therapy, 3 Volume Set"
Binghe Wang "Drug Design of Zinc-Enzyme Inhibitors. Functional, Structural, and Disease Applications"
Brian Fulton S. "Drug Discovery for the Treatment of Addiction. Medicinal Chemistry Strategies"
Yvonne Will "Drug Discovery Toxicology. From Target Assessment to Translational Biomarkers"
Jie Jack Li "Drug Discovery. Practices, Processes, and Perspectives"
Young Richard "Drug Discrimination. Applications to Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Studies"
Ekins Sean "Drug Efficacy, Safety, and Biologics Discovery. Emerging Technologies and Tools"
Ala Nassar F. "Drug Metabolism Handbook. Concepts and Applications"
Hugo Kubinyi "Drug Metabolism Prediction"
Barratt Michael J. "Drug Repositioning. Bringing New Life to Shelved Assets and Existing Drugs"
Shayne Gad Cox "Drug Safety Evaluation"
Raimund Mannhold "Drug Selectivity. An Evolving Concept in Medicinal Chemistry"
Valerie Wiebe J. "Drug Therapy for Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat"
Guofeng You "Drug Transporters. Molecular Characterization and Role in Drug Disposition"
John LaMattina L. "Drug Truths. Dispelling the Myths About Pharma R & D"
Monique Elseviers "Drug Utilization Research. Methods and Applications"
Zhou Honghui "Drug-Drug Interactions for Therapeutic Biologics"
Hugo Kubinyi "Drug-Membrane Interactions. Analysis, Drug Distribution, Modeling"
Sherrel Howard "Drugs of Abuse. Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms"
Peter Phillips "Dual Diagnosis. Practice in Context"
Etsuro Uemura E. "Dukes' Physiology of Domestic Animals"
Kenneth Latimer S. "Duncan and Prasse's Veterinary Laboratory Medicine. Clinical Pathology"
Nazia Munir "Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance"
Joel Berg H. "Early Childhood Oral Health"
Mitchell Cayen N. "Early Drug Development. Strategies and Routes to First-in-Human Trials"
Stewart Heon Laura "Early Years Nutrition and Healthy Weight"
Roland Stroobandt X. "ECG from Basics to Essentials. Step by Step"
Kusumoto Fred M. "ECG Interpretation for Everyone. An On-The-Spot Guide"
Antoni Bayés de Luna "ECGs for Beginners"
Philip Jevon "ECGs for Nurses"
Amal Mattu "ECGs for the Emergency Physician 1"
Brady William J. "ECGs for the Emergency Physician 2"
Padmini Varadarajan "Echocardiography Board Review. 500 Multiple Choice Questions With Discussion"
Tal Geva "Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. From Fetus to Adult"
Tal Geva "Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. From Fetus to Adult"
Samuel Webster "Embryology at a Glance"
Wreede Rhiannon de "Embryology at a Glance"
James Scott "Emergency Care and the Public's Health"
Edward Manno "Emergency Management in Neurocritical Care"
David Cone "Emergency Medical Services. Clinical Practice and Systems Oversight, 2 Volume Set"
Natalie Holbery "Emergency Nursing at a Glance"
Beatrice Hoffmann "Emergency Point-of-Care Ultrasound"
Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG) "Emergency Triage. Telephone Triage and Advice"
Ruchika Raghuvanshi "Emerging Epidemics. Management and Control"
Lisa Beltz A. "Emerging Infectious Diseases. A Guide to Diseases, Causative Agents, and Surveillance"
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Robert Horton "Encyclopaedic Companion to Medical Statistics"
Ramzi Ajjan "Endocrinology and Diabetes, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered"
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Bettina Basrani "Endodontic Radiology"
Linda Giudice C. "Endometriosis. Science and Practice"
Thomas Savides J. "Endoscopic Ultrasonography"
Susan Cox "Endoscopy for the Veterinary Technician"
Jacques Kpodonu "Endovascular and Hybrid Therapies for Structural Heart and Aortic Disease"
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Julian Savulescu "Enhancing Human Capacities"
Guangliang Liu "Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology of Mercury"
Alessandro Sale "Environmental Experience and Plasticity of the Developing Brain"
Goldstein Bernard D. "Environmental Health Law. An Introduction"
Howard Frumkin "Environmental Health. From Global to Local"
R.J.C. McLean "Environmental Microbiology and Microbial Ecology"
Eugene Madsen L. "Environmental Microbiology. From Genomes to Biogeochemistry"
William Rom N. "Environmental Policy and Public Health. Air Pollution, Global Climate Change, and Wilderness"
Lu Chuang "Enzyme Inhibition in Drug Discovery and Development. The Good and the Bad"
Peter Fos J. "Epidemiology Foundations. The Science of Public Health"
Peter Fos J. "Epidemiology Foundations. The Science of Public Health"
B. Gerstman Burt "Epidemiology Kept Simple. An Introduction to Traditional and Modern Epidemiology"
David Ficker M. "Epilepsy and the Interictal State. Co-morbidities and Quality of Life"
Yu-Tze Ng "Epilepsy in Children and Adolescents"
Cynthia Harden "Epilepsy in Women"
M. Julia B. Felippe "Equine Clinical Immunology"
Raquel Walton M. "Equine Clinical Pathology"
Rebecca Bellone "Equine Color Genetics"
C. Fielding Langdon "Equine Fluid Therapy"
Raymond Geor J. "Equine Laminitis"
Martin Furr "Equine Neurology"
David Frape "Equine Nutrition and Feeding"
Brian Gilger C. "Equine Ophthalmology"
Cynthia Cole "Equine Pharmacology"
John Dascanio "Equine Reproductive Procedures"
Zoe Davies "Equine Science"
Karen Coumbe "Equine Veterinary Nursing"
Jim Schumacher "Equine Wound Management"
McLean Andrew "Equitation Science"
Peter Cotton B. "ERCP, Enhanced Edition. The Fundamentals"
Patrice Spath L. "Error Reduction in Health Care. A Systems Approach to Improving Patient Safety"
Matthew McMillan "Errors in Veterinary Anesthesia"
Prateek Sharma "Esophageal Cancer and Barrett's Esophagus"
Swanton R. H. "Essential Angioplasty"
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Thomas Champney H. "Essential Clinical Neuroanatomy"
Stephen Creanor "Essential Clinical Oral Biology"
David Wray "Essential Dental Therapeutics"
Holt Richard I.G. "Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes"
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Antovic Jovan P. "Essential Guide to Blood Coagulation"
Margareta Blombäck "Essential Guide to Blood Coagulation"
Geoff Daniels "Essential Guide to Blood Groups"
Moss Paul A.H. "Essential Haematology"
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Craig Adam "Essential Mathematics and Statistics for Forensic Science"
Michael Connor "Essential Medical Genetics"
Sterne Jonathan A.C. "Essential Medical Statistics"
Stuart Hogg "Essential Microbiology"
Sheena Byrom "Essential Midwifery Practice. Expertise Leadership and Collaborative Working"
Sunil Sinha "Essential Neonatal Medicine"
Sunil Sinha "Essential Neonatal Medicine"
Birgit Thilander "Essential Orthodontics"
Victoria Taylor "Essential Practical Prescribing"
Andrew Blythe "Essential Primary Care"
Martin Johnson H. "Essential Reproduction"
Judy McKimm "Essential Simulation in Clinical Education"
Philip Rowe "Essential Statistics for the Pharmaceutical Sciences"
Peter Leggat "Essential Travel Medicine"
Arlene Guzik "Essentials for Occupational Health Nursing"
Helen Chapel "Essentials of Clinical Immunology"
Friedman Lawrence S. "Essentials of Gastroenterology"
Rachel Powsner A. "Essentials of Nuclear Medicine Physics and Instrumentation"
Lars Andersson "Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery"
Kurt Grimm A. "Essentials of Small Animal Anesthesia and Analgesia"
John Chitty "Essentials of Tortoise Medicine and Surgery"
Kirk Gelatt N. "Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology"
Brykczynska Gosia M. "Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Nursing Children and Young People"
Robert Sadoff L. "Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry. Minimizing Harm"
Robert Sadoff L. "Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatry. Minimizing Harm"
Dean Harris M. "Ethics in Health Services and Policy. A Global Approach"
Pierre Massotte "Ethics in Social Networking and Business 2. The Future and Changing Paradigms"
Antoine Petit "Ethnic Dermatology. Principles and Practice"
Michael Heinrich "Ethnopharmacology"
Inger Kjaer "Etiology-Based Dental and Craniofacial Diagnostics"
Michael Brainin "European Handbook of Neurological Management"
Muriel Harris J. "Evaluating Public and Community Health Programs"
Bick Debra "Evaluating the Impact of Implementing Evidence-Based Practice"
Binghe Wang "Evaluation of Drug Candidates for Preclinical Development. Pharmacokinetics, Metabolism, Pharmaceuti"
BMA Medical Ethics Department "Everyday Medical Ethics and Law"
Debbie Tolson "Evidence Informed Nursing with Older People"
Hywel Williams "Evidence-Based Dermatology"
Holroyd-Leduc Jayna "Evidence-Based Geriatric Medicine. A Practical Clinical Guide"
Jacob Patijn "Evidence-based Interventional Pain Practice. According to Clinical Diagnoses"
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Livia Candelise "Evidence-Based Neurology. Management of Neurological Disorders"
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