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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 28
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Gosney Margot "Cancer and Aging Handbook. Research and Practice"
Tobias Jeffrey S. "Cancer and its Management"
Tobias Jeffrey S. "Cancer and its Management"
Amanda Harvey "Cancer Cell Signalling"
Crump Kenneth "Cancer Chemotherapy for the Veterinary Health Team"
Rachel Airley "Cancer Chemotherapy. Basic Science to the Clinic"
Markman Maurie "Cancer Consult. Expertise for Clinical Practice"
Sverre Heim "Cancer Cytogenetics. Chromosomal and Molecular Genetic Aberrations of Tumor Cells"
Antonio Giordano "Cancer Epigenetics. Biomolecular Therapeutics in Human Cancer"
Mien-Chie Hung "Cancer Gene Therapy by Viral and Non-viral Vectors"
Bailey Christopher D. "Cancer Nursing. Care in Context"
Rosalind Eeles A. "Cancer Prevention and Screening. Concepts, Principles and Controversies"
Lindsey Snyder B.C. "Canine and Feline Anesthesia and Co-Existing Disease"
Debbie Martin "Canine and Feline Behavior for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses"
Alice Villalobos "Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology. Honoring the Human-Animal Bond"
Janet Dyke B.Van "Canine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation"
Ngaio Richards "Carbofuran and Wildlife Poisoning. Global Perspectives and Forensic Approaches"
Wang Binghe "Carbohydrate Recognition. Biological Problems, Methods, and Applications"
Andrea Natale "Cardiac Arrhythmia Management. A Practical Guide for Nurses and Allied Professionals"
Pohost Gerald M. "Cardiac CT, PET and MR"
Gunter Breithardt "Cardiac Mapping"
Roland Stroobandt X. "Cardiac Pacemakers and Resynchronization Step by Step. An Illustrated Guide"
Maully Shah "Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillation in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease"
Karoly Kaszala "Cardiac Pacing and ICDs"
Hayes David L. "Cardiac Pacing, Defibrillation and Resynchronization. A Clinical Approach"
Christine Jones "Cardiac Rehabilitation. A Workbook for use with Group Programmes"
Cheuk-Man Yu "Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy"
Ohman E. Magnus "Cardiogenic Shock"
H. Edward Durham, Jr. "Cardiology for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses"
Marcus Flather "Cardiovascular Clinical Trials. Putting the Evidence into Practice"
David Stott J. "Cardiovascular Disease and Health in the Older Patient. Expanded from 'Pathy's Principles and Practi"
Y. Li Robert "Cardiovascular Diseases. From Molecular Pharmacology to Evidence-Based Therapeutics"
Dan Roden M. "Cardiovascular Genetics and Genomics"
George Stouffer A. "Cardiovascular Hemodynamics for the Clinician"
William Wijns "Cardiovascular Imaging. A Handbook for Clinical Practice"
Отсутствует "Cardiovascular Interventions in Clinical Practice"
Grossman Shamai "Cardiovascular Problems in Emergency Medicine. A Discussion-based Review"
Hobbs Richard "Cardiovascular Risk Management"
Trisha Dunning "Care of People with Diabetes. A Manual of Nursing Practice"
Trisha Dunning "Care of People with Diabetes. A Manual of Nursing Practice"
Sonya Clarke "Care Planning in Children and Young People's Nursing"
Angela Hall "Care Planning in Mental Health. Promoting Recovery"
Claire Boyd "Care Skills for Nurses"
Linda Eddy L. "Caring for Children with Special Healthcare Needs and Their Families. A Handbook for Healthcare Prof"
Janet Snoddon "Case Management of Long-term Conditions. Principles and Practice for Nurses"
Janet Snoddon "Case Management of Long-term Conditions. Principles and Practice for Nurses"
Neal-Boylan Leslie "Case Studies in Gerontological Nursing for the Advanced Practice Nurse"
Huang Xianhai "Case Studies in Modern Drug Discovery and Development"
Stephen Hoole "Cases for PACES"
Stephen Hoole "Cases for PACES"
Stephen Hoole "Cases for PACES"
Okechukwu Ekenna "Cases in Clinical Infectious Disease Practice"
Bodenham Andy "Central Venous Catheters"
Hacke Werner "Cerebrovascular Ultrasound in Stroke Prevention and Treatment"
Arvind Venkat "Challenging and Emerging Conditions in Emergency Medicine"
Gerald Kominski F. "Changing the U.S. Health Care System. Key Issues in Health Services Policy and Management"
Hugo Kubinyi "Chemokine Receptors as Drug Targets"
Clarke Christopher "Chest X-rays for Medical Students"
Jamesetta Newland A. "Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health. A Resource for Advanced Practice Psychiatric and Primary Car"
David Skuse "Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Frameworks for Practice"
Jim Richardson "Children and Young People's Nursing at a Glance"
Caroline Bowen "Children's Speech Sound Disorders"
Caroline Bowen "Children's Speech Sound Disorders"
Roger Jones "Choosing General Practice. Your Career Guide"
Peter Selwyn A. "Chronic Pain and HIV. A Practical Approach"
Paolo Vercellini "Chronic Pelvic Pain"
Dr. Waksman Ron "Chronic Total Occlusions. A Guide to Recanalization"
Saito Dr. Shigeru "Chronic Total Occlusions. A Guide to Recanalization"
Bi-Botti Youan C. "Chronopharmaceutics. Science and Technology for Biological Rhythm Guided Therapy and Prevention of D"
Bi-Botti Youan C. "Chronopharmaceutics. Science and Technology for Biological Rhythm Guided Therapy and Prevention of D"
Christopher Colwell S. "Circadian Medicine"
Richard Moreau "Cirrhosis. A Practical Guide to Management"
David Genecov "Cleft Lip and Palate Management. A Comprehensive Atlas"
Howard Sara "Cleft Palate Speech. Assessment and Intervention"
Matthew Gwinnutt "Clinical Anaesthesia"
Richard Snell S. "Clinical Anatomy of the Eye"
Radi Masri "Clinical Applications of Digital Dental Technology"
Antoni Bayés de Luna "Clinical Arrhythmology"
Adrian Baranchuk "Clinical Arrhythmology"
Diana Fergusson "Clinical Assessment and Monitoring in Children"
Douglas Esson W. "Clinical Atlas of Canine and Feline Ophthalmic Disease"
Andrew Burton G. "Clinical Atlas of Small Animal Cytology"
Lynelle Johnson R. "Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine"
Brian Harte "Clinical Care Conundrums. Challenging Diagnoses in Hospital Medicine"
Leslie Neal-Boylan "Clinical Case Studies for the Family Nurse Practitioner"
Leslie Neal-Boylan "Clinical Case Studies in Home Health Care"
Grant Krystan R. "Clinical Cases in Avian and Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology"
Stuart Segelnick L. "Clinical Cases in Dental Hygiene"
Malin Ernberg "Clinical Cases in Orofacial Pain"
Sofia Ahmad "Clinical Cases in Orthodontics"
Amy Truesdale L. "Clinical Cases in Pediatric Dentistry"
Nadeem Karimbux "Clinical Cases in Periodontics"
Jo Brown "Clinical Communication in Medicine"
Kent Bridie "Clinical Context for Evidence-Based Practice"
Jayia Parveen "Clinical Data Interpretation for Medical Finals. Single Best Answer Questions"
Richard Weller B. "Clinical Dermatology"
John Savin "Clinical Dermatology"
Philip Jevon "Clinical Diagnosis"
Vella Adrian "Clinical Dilemmas in Diabetes"
Fergus Shanahan "Clinical Dilemmas in Inflammatory Bowel Disease. New Challenges"
Roger Williams "Clinical Dilemmas in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease"
Williams Roger "Clinical Dilemmas in Primary Liver Cancer"
Foster Graham "Clinical Dilemmas in Viral Liver Disease"
Aled Rees "Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes at a Glance"
Jacquie Rand "Clinical Endocrinology of Companion Animals"
Philip Jevon "Clinical Examination Skills"
McSherry Robert "Clinical Governance. A Guide to Implementation for Healthcare Professionals"
A. John Camm "Clinical Guide to Cardiology"
Allan Tasman "Clinical Guide to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders"
Richard Rosner "Clinical Handbook of Adolescent Addiction"
Karen Hrapkiewicz "Clinical Laboratory Animal Medicine. An Introduction"
David Stanley "Clinical Leadership in Nursing and Healthcare. Values into Action"
Parameswaran Hari "Clinical Manual of Blood and Bone Marrow Transplantation"
Daniel W. K. Kao "Clinical Maxillary Sinus Elevation Surgery"
Sarah Pitt Jane "Clinical Microbiology for Diagnostic Laboratory Scientists"
Marinos Elia "Clinical Nutrition"
Nicholas Katsilambros "Clinical Nutrition in Practice"
Professor Rowe Michael "Clinical Oncology and Error Reduction. A Manual for Clinicians"
Vanessa Shaw "Clinical Paediatric Dietetics"
Amy MacNeill L. "Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Techniques for Veterinary Technicians"
Dial Sharon M. "Clinical Pathology for the Veterinary Team"
Jan Lindhe "Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry, 2 Volume Set"
Walters Matthew R. "Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics"
Daniel Lee "Clinical Problems in Oncology. A Practical Guide to Management"
Grassi Luigi "Clinical Psycho-Oncology. An International Perspective"
Min Yao "Clinical Radiation Oncology. Indications, Techniques, and Results"
Christopher Colles "Clinical Radiology of the Horse"
Svend Kold E. "Clinical Radiology of the Horse"
Linda Robertson "Clinical Reasoning in Occupational Therapy. Controversies in Practice"
Jill Maddison E. "Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice"
Patricia Tereskerz M. "Clinical Research and the Law"
Brian Burt A. "Clinical Research in Oral Health"
N. Girdler M. "Clinical Sedation in Dentistry"
Elaine Hughes "Clinical Skills for Healthcare Assistants and Assistant Practitioners"
Claire Boyd "Clinical Skills for Nurses"
Kimm Wuestenberg "Clinical Small Animal Care. Promoting Patient Health through Preventative Nursing"
Judith Parker "Clinical Supervision for Nurses"
Suzanne Noble "Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy"
Guosheng Yin "Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods"
Guosheng Yin "Clinical Trial Design. Bayesian and Frequentist Adaptive Methods"
Vera Mihajlovic-Madzarevic "Clinical Trials Audit Preparation. A Guide for Good Clinical Practice (GCP) Inspections"
Stephanie Studenski "Clinical Trials in Older Adults"
Adler Lawrence "Clinical Trials in Psychopharmacology. A Better Brain"
Michael O'kelly "Clinical Trials with Missing Data. A Guide for Practitioners"
John Prescott F. "Clostridial Diseases of Animals"
Robert Picard "Co-design in Living Labs for Healthcare and Independent Living. Concepts, Methods and Tools"
Helen Griffiths "Coeliac Disease. Nursing Care and Management"
Helen Griffiths "Coeliac Disease. Nursing Care and Management"
John Monahan "Coercive Treatment in Psychiatry. Clinical, legal and ethical aspects"
Murad Ferid "Collaborative Innovation in Drug Discovery. Strategies for Public and Private Partnerships"