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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 16
Elaine Marmel "QuickBooks Online For Dummies"
Paul McFedries "Simply Excel 2010"
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John Janovy, Jr. "A Century of Parasitology. Discoveries, ideas and lessons learned by scientists who published in The"
Prosanta Chakrabarty "A Guide to Academia. Getting into and Surviving Grad School, Postdocs and a Research Job"
Smithson W. Henry "ABC of Epilepsy"
Frith Alison "ABC of Headache"
Walker Marion F. "ABC of Stroke"
Narendra Tuteja "Abiotic Stress Response in Plants"
Cascino Gregory D. "Adult Epilepsy"
Peck Jeffrey N. "Advances in Small Animal Total Joint Replacement"
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Michael Nest "Coltan"
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J. Kelly Michael "Getting Published in the Life Sciences"
Erlend Moksness "Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone Management"
Scott Johnson N. "Global Climate Change and Terrestrial Invertebrates"
Helmut F. van Emden "Handbook of Agricultural Entomology"
Irby Lovette J. "Handbook of Bird Biology"
Nearing Mark "Handbook of Erosion Modelling"
Stefano Colazza "Handbook of Major Palm Pests. Biology and Management"
Elliott Ian "Handbook of Small Animal MRI"
Heide Schatten "Human Reproduction. Updates and New Horizons"
Narendra Tuteja "Improving Crop Productivity in Sustainable Agriculture"
Narendra Tuteja "Improving Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress"
Peter Adler H. "Insect Biodiversity. Science and Society, Volume 1"
Pedro Barbosa "Insect Histology. Practical Laboratory Techniques"
Pedro Barbosa "Insect Outbreaks Revisited"
R. Akers Michael "Lactation and the Mammary Gland"
Parvaiz Ahmad "Legumes under Environmental Stress. Yield, Improvement and Adaptations"
Tim Clutton-Brock "Mammal Societies"
Kenneth Sorensen "Management Principles of Sustainable Industrial Chemistry. Theories, Concepts and Indusstrial Exampl"
Speight Martin R. "Marine Ecology. Concepts and Applications"
Girdhar Pandey K. "Mechanism of Plant Hormone Signaling under Stress"
Perumal Narayanasamy "Microbial Plant Pathogens. Detection and Management in Seeds and Propagules"
James Becnel J. "Microsporidia. Pathogens of Opportunity"
Jagannath Patil V. "Millets and Sorghum. Biology and Genetic Improvement"
Donald Quicke L.J. "Mimicry, Crypsis, Masquerade and other Adaptive Resemblances"
Alain Pave "Modeling of Living Systems. From Cell to Ecosystem"
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Guido Sessa "Molecular Plant Immunity"
Engel W. King "Muscle Aging, Inclusion-Body Myositis and Myopathies"
Markus Eichhorn "Natural Systems. The Organisation of Life"
Schiff David "Neuro-oncology"
Barker Roger A. "Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience at a Glance"
Weller Roy O. "Neurodegeneration. The Molecular Pathology of Dementia and Movement Disorders"
Venance Shannon "Neuromuscular Disorders"
Ivano Bertini "NMR of Biomolecules. Towards Mechanistic Systems Biology"
Hall Deborah A. "Non-Parkinsonian Movement Disorders"
Parvaiz Ahmad "Oilseed Crops. Yield and Adaptations under Environmental Stress"
Rebecca Krisher "Oocyte Physiology and Development in Domestic Animals"
Doris Abele "Oxidative Stress in Aquatic Ecosystems"
Graham Matthews "Pesticides. Health, Safety and the Environment"
Suleyman Allakhverdiev I. "Photosynthesis. A New Approach to the Molecular, Cellular, and Organismal Levels"
Dale Walters "Physiological Responses of Plants to Attack"
Noureddine Benkeblia "Phytonutritional Improvement of Crops"
Dale Walters "Plant Defense. Warding off attack by pathogens, herbivores and parasitic plants"
Li Yi "Plant Gene Containment"
Aldridge Paul "Practical Emergency and Critical Care Veterinary Nursing"
Fehr Joanne "Practical Guide to Equine Colic"
Murphy Kevin S. "Quinoa. Improvement and Sustainable Production"
Muhlbauer M. C. "Radiography of the Dog and Cat. Guide to Making and Interpreting Radiographs"
Samiksha Singh "Reactive Oxygen Species in Plants. Boon Or Bane - Revisiting the Role of ROS"
Franz-Josef Schmitt "Reactive Oxygen Species. Signaling Between Hierarchical Levels in Plants"
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Zawistowski Stephen "Shelter Medicine for Veterinarians and Staff"
Featherstone Heidi "Small Animal Ophthalmology. What's Your Diagnosis?"
Read Matt "Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia"
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Loren Hayes D. "Sociobiology of Caviomorph Rodents. An Integrative Approach"
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