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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 15
Mohamed Wahbi "Algorithms and Ordering Heuristics for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems"
J. Parker R. "Algorithms for Image Processing and Computer Vision"
Christine Solnon "Ant Colony Optimization and Constraint Programming"
Hong Jeong "Architectures for Computer Vision. From Algorithm to Chip with Verilog"
Vincent Mahout "Assembly Language Programming. ARM Cortex-M3"
Eric Bauer "Beyond Redundancy. How Geographic Redundancy Can Improve Service Availability and Reliability of Com"
Kostadinov Todor Pavlov "Bistatic SAR / ISAR / FSR. Theory Algorithms and Program Implementation"
Wenbing Zhao "Building Dependable Distributed Systems"
Mengchu Zhou "Business and Scientific Workflows. A Web Service-Oriented Approach"
Per Runeson "Case Study Research in Software Engineering. Guidelines and Examples"
Mohamed Nadif "Co-Clustering. Models, Algorithms and Applications"
Franck Barbier "COBOL Software Modernization. From Principles to Implementation with the BLU AGE Method"
Nicholson J. "Codecharts. Roadmaps and blueprints for object-oriented programs"
Lindsay MacDonald "Colour Engineering. Achieving Device Independent Colour"
Estelle Delpech Maryline "Comparable Corpora and Computer-assisted Translation"
Anthony J. Dos Reis "Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc"
Ion Mandoiu "Computational Methods for Next Generation Sequencing Data Analysis"
Blanchet Gérard "Computer Architecture"
Ledley Robert S. "Computer Architecture and Security. Fundamentals of Designing Secure Computer Systems"
Cayirci Erdal "Computer Assisted Exercises and Training. A Reference Guide"
Luk Wayne "Computer System Design. System-on-Chip"
Atsushi Imiya "Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology. Land, Sea, and Air"
Christophe Lecoutre "Constraint Networks. Targeting Simplicity for Techniques and Algorithms"
Ian Lunn "CSS3 Foundations"
Udo Zolzer "DAFX. Digital Audio Effects"
Pushpak Sarkar "Data as a Service. A Framework for Providing Reusable Enterprise Data Services"
Zach Gemignani "Data Fluency. Empowering Your Organization with Effective Data Communication"
Yuichi Motai "Data-Variant Kernel Analysis"
Eric Bauer "Design for Reliability. Information and Computer-Based Systems"
Bo Sandén I. "Design of Multithreaded Software. The Entity-Life Modeling Approach"
Avinash Kak C. "Designing with Objects. Object-Oriented Design Patterns Explained with Stories from Harry Potter"
Craig Robertson "Dictionary of Computer Vision and Image Processing, Enhanced Edition"
Anyong Qing "Differential Evolution. Fundamentals and Applications in Electrical Engineering"
Christine Fernandez-Maloigne "Digital Color Imaging"
Christine Fernandez-Maloigne "Digital Color. Acquisition, Perception, Coding and Rendering"
Pascal Picart "Digital Holography"
Alexander Ian F. "Discovering Requirements. How to Specify Products and Services"
Fabrice Kordon "Distibuted Systems. Design and Algorithms"
Rahimi Saeed K. "Distributed Database Management Systems. A Practical Approach"
Lodhi Huma M. "Elements of Computational Systems Biology"
Gawdat Bahgat "Energy Security. An Interdisciplinary Approach"
Gawdat Bahgat "Energy Security. An Interdisciplinary Approach"
Martin Zelm "Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability"
Martin Zelm "Enterprise Interoperability. Interoperability for Agility, Resilience and Plasticity of Collaboratio"
Martin Zelm "Enterprise Interoperability. Research and Applications in Service-oriented Ecosystem (Proceedings of"
Rod Stephens "Essential Algorithms. A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms"
Alain Petrowski "Evolutionary Algorithms"
Evelyne Lutton "Evolutionary Algorithms for Food Science and Technology"
Patricia Ruiz "Evolutionary Algorithms for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks"
Hitoshi Iba "Evolutionary Computation in Gene Regulatory Network Research"
Dan Simon "Evolutionary Computation with Biogeography-based Optimization"
Plamen Angelov "Evolving Intelligent Systems. Methodology and Applications"
Laure Leroy "Eyestrain Reduction in Stereoscopy"
Mengfei Yang "Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Spacecraft Control Computers"
Michel Rigo "Formal Languages, Automata and Numeration Systems, Volume 1"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Formal Methods Applied to Industrial Complex Systems. Implementation of the B Method"
Oliver Sturm "Functional Programming in C#. Classic Programming Techniques for Modern Projects"
Guanrong Chen "Fundamentals of Complex Networks. Models, Structures and Dynamics"
Vijay Kumar "Fundamentals of Pervasive Information Management Systems"
Clive Fencott "Game Invaders. The Theory and Understanding of Computer Games"
Maurice Clerc "Guided Randomness in Optimization, Volume 1"
Alexander Hornberg "Handbook of Machine and Computer Vision. The Guide for Developers and Users"
Gangadharan G. R. "Harnessing Green IT. Principles and Practices"
Laura Gantt T. "Healthcare Simulation. A Guide for Operations Specialists"
Emmanuel Jeannot "High-Performance Computing on Complex Environments"
Jacob Seidelin "HTML5 Games. Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL"
Panetto Herve "Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. Proceedings of the Workshops and the Doct"
Vijay Garg K. "Introduction to Lattice Theory with Computer Science Applications"
Dooley Michael "IPv6 Deployment and Management"
Bjørnvig Gertrud "Lean Architecture. for Agile Software Development"
Tianyou Li "Live-Line Operation and Maintenance of Power Distribution Networks"
Bubendorfer Kris "Market-Oriented Grid and Utility Computing"
Thierry Benoist "Mathematical Programming Solver Based on Local Search"
Steven Janke J. "Mathematical Structures for Computer Graphics"
He Matthew "Mathematics of Bioinformatics. Theory, Methods and Applications"
Maria Soto "Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems. Optimization Methods"
Nicolas Durand "Metaheuristics for Air Traffic Management"
Clarisse Dhaenens "Metaheuristics for Big Data"
Laurent Schmitt "Metaheuristics for Intelligent Electrical Networks"
Laurent Deroussi "Metaheuristics for Logistics"
Christian Blum "Metaheuristics for String Problems in Bio-informatics"
Nacima Labadie "Metaheuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems"
Nicolas Pinel "Method of Moments for 2D Scattering Problems. Basic Concepts and Applications"
Vincent Savaux "MMSE-Based Algorithm for Joint Signal Detection, Channel and Noise Variance Estimation for OFDM Syst"
Arboleda Hugo "Model-Driven and Software Product Line Engineering"
Puechmorel Stéphane "Modeling and Optimization of Air Traffic"
Sanjay Ranka "Modeling and Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Embedded Systems"
Fabrice Kordon "Models and Analysis for Distributed Systems"
Jun Yu "Modern Machine Learning Techniques and Their Applications in Cartoon Animation Research"
Denis Baggi L. "Music Navigation with Symbols and Layers. Toward Content Browsing with IEEE 1599 XML Encoding"
Petre Teodorescu "Numerical Analysis with Applications in Mechanics and Engineering"
Wolfram Schroers "Objective-C. Der Sprachkurs für Einsteiger und Individualisten"
Henry Liu H. "Oracle Database Performance and Scalability. A Quantitative Approach"
Frederic Magoules "Parallel Scientific Computing"
Elder Ken "Phase-Field Methods in Materials Science and Engineering"
Ying Bai "Practical Database Programming with Java"
Ying Bai "Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET"
Ying Bai "Practical Database Programming With Visual C#.NET"
Kye-Si Kwon "Practical Guide to Machine Vision Software. An Introduction with LabVIEW"
Peter Fritzson "Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 3.3. A Cyber-Physical Approach"
John Shynk J. "Probability, Random Variables, and Random Processes. Theory and Signal Processing Applications"
Nick Bailey "Professional Clojure"
Janek Bogucki "Professional Scala"
Dag Hanssen H. "Programmable Logic Controllers. A Practical Approach to IEC 61131-3 using CoDeSys"
Fatos Xhafa "Programming Multicore and Many-core Computing Systems"
Wagner Kevin "Proportionate-type Normalized Least Mean Square Algorithms"
Tommi Mikkonen "Qt for Symbian"
Rodney Meter Van "Quantum Networking"
Paul Sanghera "Quantum Physics for Scientists and Technologists. Fundamental Principles and Applications for Biolog"
Nicolas Larrieu "Rapid Prototyping Software for Avionics Systems. Model-oriented Approaches for Complex Systems Certi"
Upton Eben "Raspberry Pi User Guide"
Maryline Chetto "Real-time Systems Scheduling 1. Fundamentals"
Maryline Chetto "Real-time Systems Scheduling 2. Focuses"
Beckers Benoit "Reconciliation of Geometry and Perception in Radiation Physics"
Alexis Vos De "Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications"
Alexis Vos De "Reversible Computing. Fundamentals, Quantum Computing, and Applications"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Safety of Computer Architectures"
Flavien Quesnel "Scheduling of Large-scale Virtualized Infrastructures. Toward Cooperative Management"
Heather Yu "Semantic Computing"
Fernando Parreiras S. "Semantic Web and Model-Driven Engineering"
Bill Sanders "Smashing HTML5"
Mourad Oussalah Chabane "Software Architecture 1"
Mourad Oussalah Chabane "Software Architecture 2"
Naik Kshirasagar "Software Evolution and Maintenance"
Alain Abran "Software Metrics and Software Metrology"
Alain Abran "Software Metrics and Software Metrology"
Witold Suryn "Software Quality Engineering. A Practitioner's Approach"
Mili Ali "Software Testing. Concepts and Operations"
Donald Reifer J. "Software War Stories. Case Studies in Software Management"
Choi Jung-Woo "Sound Visualization and Manipulation"
Jean Dubé "Spatial Econometrics using Microdata"
Jean-Louis Boulanger "Static Analysis of Software. The Abstract Interpretation"
Alexander Bachmutsky "System Design for Telecommunication Gateways"
Alexander Bachmutsky "System Design for Telecommunication Gateways"
Mamishev Alexander "Technical Writing for Teams. The STREAM Tools Handbook"
Grant Tavinor "The Art of Videogames"
Szabolcs Michaelde Gyurky "The Autonomous System. A Foundational Synthesis of the Sciences of the Mind"
Angelides Marios C. "The Handbook of MPEG Applications. Standards in Practice"
Arthur Goshtasby Ardeshir "Theory and Applications of Image Registration"
Christine Rochange "Time-Predictable Architectures"
Vladimir Safonov O. "Trustworthy Cloud Computing"
Hervé Fanet "Ultra Low Power Electronics and Adiabatic Solutions"
Zahir Tari "Verification of Communication Protocols in Web Services. Model-Checking Service Compositions"
Paisarn Muneesawang "Visual Inspection Technology in the Hard Disk Drive Industry"
Julie Rodriguez "Visualizing Financial Data"
Andreas Rueping "Where Code and Content Meet. Design Patterns for Web Content Management and Delivery, Personalisatio"
Robbie Nakatsu T. "Diagrammatic Reasoning in AI"
Dominic Duggan "Enterprise Software Architecture and Design. Entities, Services, and Resources"
Christophe Kolski "Human-Computer Interactions in Transport"