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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD) . Страница 33
Компьютеры/Компьютерное Железо
Nancy Muir C. "Computers For Seniors For Dummies"
Faithe Wempen "Digital Literacy For Dummies"
Mark LaFay "Drones For Dummies"
Jeremy Blum "Exploring Arduino. Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry"
Derek Molloy "Exploring BeagleBone. Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux"
Derek Molloy "Exploring BeagleBone. Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux"
Eun Park Jung "Exploring LEGO Mindstorms EV3. Tools and Techniques for Building and Programming Robots"
Derek Molloy "Exploring Raspberry Pi. Interfacing to the Real World with Embedded Linux"
Bill Woodward "Fiber Optics Installer and Technician Guide"
Nancy Muir C. "Fire Tablets For Dummies"
Joe Hutsko "Green Gadgets For Dummies"
Woody Leonhard "Green Home Computing For Dummies"
Dwight Spivey "Home Automation For Dummies"
Barbara Boyd "iCloud and iTunes Match In A Day For Dummies"
Mark Chambers L. "iMac For Dummies"
RJ Andrews "Info We Trust. How to Inspire the World with Data"
Galen Gruman "iPad at Work For Dummies"
Bob LeVitus "iPad For Dummies"
Sam Gliksman "iPad in Education For Dummies"
Paul McFedries "iPad Portable Genius. Covers iOS 8 and all models of iPad, iPad Air, and iPad mini"
Brian Underdahl "iPAQ For Dummies"
McFedries "iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C Portable Genius"
Paul McFedries "iPhone 6s Portable Genius. Covers iOS9 and all models of iPhone 6s, 6, and iPhone 5"
Dwight Spivey "iPhone For Seniors For Dummies"
Nancy Muir C. "Kindle Fire HDX For Dummies"
Corey Sandler "Laptops All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Laptops For Dummies"
Nancy Muir C. "Laptops For Seniors For Dummies"
Bud Smith E. "Laptops for the Older and Wiser. Get Up and Running on Your Laptop Computer"
Mark Chambers L. "MacBook For Dummies"
Galen Gruman "MacBook Pro Portable Genius"
Joe Hutsko "Macs All-in-One For Dummies"
Edward Baig C. "Macs For Dummies"
Mark Chambers L. "Macs For Seniors For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Nexus 7 For Dummies (Google Tablet)"
Dan Gookin "Nexus One For Dummies"
Robert Sabella R. "NFC For Dummies"
Mark Chambers L. "PCs All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Mark Chambers L. "PCs All-in-One For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "PCs For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "PCs For Dummies"
Nancy Muir C. "PCs Just the Steps For Dummies"
Nancy Muir C. "PCs Just the Steps For Dummies"
Sean McManus "Raspberry Pi For Dummies"
Sean McManus "Raspberry Pi For Dummies"
Sean McManus "Raspberry Pi For Dummies"
Richard Wentk "Raspberry Pi For Kids For Dummies"
Andrew Robinson "Raspberry Pi Projects"
Eben Upton "Raspberry Pi User Guide"
Bill Hughes "Samsung Galaxy S5 For Dummies"
Bill Hughes "Samsung Galaxy S6 for Dummies"
Bill Hughes "Samsung Galaxy S7 For Dummies"
Bill Hughes "Samsung Galaxy S8 For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 For Dummies"
Corey Sandler "Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 NOOK For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Samsung Galaxy Tab S For Dummies"
Corey Sandler "Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 NOOK For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Samsung Galaxy Tabs For Dummies"
Eric Butow "Samsung Gear S2 For Dummies"
Marc Saltzman "Siri For Dummies"
Denny Atkin "Sony CLIÉ For Dummies"
Andy Rathbone "Surface For Dummies"
Arnold Reinhold "Switching to a Mac For Dummies"
Arnold Reinhold "Switching to a Mac For Dummies"
Elaine Marmel "Teach Yourself VISUALLY Fire Tablets"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPad"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 7. Covers iOS 10 and all models of iPhone 6s, iPhone 7, and iPhone SE"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook"
Guy Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook"
Brad Miser "Teach Yourself VISUALLY MacBook Air"
Elaine Marmel "Teach Yourself VISUALLY PCs"
Hart-Davis "Teach Yourself VISUALLY Samsung Galaxy S6"
Dan Gookin "Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your PC All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your PC All-in-One For Dummies"
Dan Gookin "Troubleshooting and Maintaining Your PC All-in-One For Dummies"
Corey Sandler "Upgrading and Fixing Laptops For Dummies"
Andy Rathbone "Upgrading and Fixing PCs For Dummies"
Bill Hughes "Windows Phone 7 For Dummies"
Компьютеры/Компьютеры: прочее
Bruce Schneier "Carry On. Sound Advice from Schneier on Security"
Michael Gregg "CASP CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner Study Guide. Exam CAS-002"
Russell Vines Dean "Cloud Security. A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing"
Mike Chapple "CompTIA CSA+ Study Guide. Exam CS0-001"
Mike Chapple "CompTIA PenTest+ Study Guide. Exam PT0-001"
Reynaldo Anzaldua "Computer Forensics For Dummies"
Bruce Schneier "Cryptography Engineering. Design Principles and Practical Applications"
Melba Kurman "Fabricated. The New World of 3D Printing"
John Chirillo "Hack Attacks Testing. How to Conduct Your Own Security Audit"
Kevin Beaver "Hacking For Dummies"
Kevin Beaver "Hacking For Dummies"
Joshua Davies "Implementing SSL / TLS Using Cryptography and PKI"
Adam Young "Malicious Cryptography. Exposing Cryptovirology"
Michael Ligh "Malware Analyst's Cookbook and DVD. Tools and Techniques for Fighting Malicious Code"
Steve Bunting "Mastering Windows Network Forensics and Investigation"
Darril Gibson "Microsoft Windows Security Essentials"
Eric Greenberg "Mission-Critical Security Planner. When Hackers Won't Take No for an Answer"
Eric Cole "Network Security Bible"
Matthew Strebe "Network Security Foundations. Technology Fundamentals for IT Success"
Christopher Hadnagy "Phishing Dark Waters. The Offensive and Defensive Sides of Malicious Emails"
Gary Jackson M. "Predicting Malicious Behavior. Tools and Techniques for Ensuring Global Security"
Bruce Schneier "Schneier on Security"
Kevin D. Mitnick "The Art of Intrusion. The Real Stories Behind the Exploits of Hackers, Intruders and Deceivers"
Emmanuel Goldstein "The Best of 2600, Collector's Edition. A Hacker Odyssey"
Wade Alcorn "The Browser Hacker's Handbook"
David Litchfield "The Oracle Hacker's Handbook. Hacking and Defending Oracle"
Wil Allsopp "Unauthorised Access. Physical Penetration Testing For IT Security Teams"
Christopher Hadnagy "Unmasking the Social Engineer. The Human Element of Security"
Hadi Nahari "Web Commerce Security. Design and Development"
Jessey Bullock "Wireshark for Security Professionals. Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework"
Компьютеры/ОС и Сети
Steve Clines "Active Directory For Dummies"
Ramji Balakrishnan "Advanced QoS for Multi-Service IP/MPLS Networks"
Mark Munro Conway "AppleScript"
Neil Matthew "Beginning Linux Programming"
Christopher Negus "BSD UNIX Toolbox. 1000+ Commands for FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD"
Todd Lammle "CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Review Guide. Exam 100-105, Exam 200-105, Exam 200-125"
Patrick Conlan J. "Cisco Network Professional's Advanced Internetworking Guide (CCNP Series)"
Troy McMillan "Cisco Networking Essentials"
Richard Wentk "Cocoa"
Richard Blum "CompTIA Linux+ Powered by Linux Professional Institute Study Guide. Exam LX0-103 and Exam LX0-104"
Abdul Salam "Deploying and Managing a Cloud Infrastructure. Real-World Skills for the CompTIA Cloud+ Certificatio"
Chris Stevens "Designing for the iPad. Building Applications that Sell"
Joel Stidley "Exchange Server 2010 Administration. Real World Skills for MCITP Certification and Beyond (Exams 70-"
Bill Hughes "Getting a Networking Job For Dummies"
Jeremy Moskowitz "Group Policy. Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop"
Jeremy Moskowitz "Group Policy. Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop"
John Chirillo "Hack Attacks Denied. A Complete Guide to Network Lockdown"
John Chirillo "Hack Attacks Revealed. A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit"
Sue Plumley "Home Networking Bible"
Lawrence Miller C. "Home Networking Do-It-Yourself For Dummies"
Kathy Ivens "Home Networking For Dummies"
Stephen Londergan R. "IBM Workplace Services Express For Dummies"
Charlie Miller "iOS Hacker's Handbook"
Peter Gregory H. "IT Disaster Recovery Planning For Dummies"
Michael Bushong "JUNOS OS For Dummies"
Emmett Dulaney "Linux All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Christopher Negus "Linux Bible"
Roderick Smith W. "Linux Essentials"
Richard Blum "Linux Essentials"
Ramón Hontañón J. "Linux Security. Craig Hunt Linux Library"
Keith Underdahl "Mac OS X Leopard Just the Steps For Dummies"
Bob LeVitus "Mac OS X Snow Leopard For Dummies"
Mark Chambers L. "Mac OS X Tiger All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies"
Bob LeVitus "macOS High Sierra For Dummies"
Bob LeVitus "macOS Mojave For Dummies"
Bob LeVitus "macOS Sierra For Dummies"
Cliff Truesdell "Mastering Digital Audio Production. The Professional Music Workflow with Mac OS X"
John Savill "Mastering Hyper-V 2012 R2 with System Center and Windows Azure"
John Savill "Mastering Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Services"
Steve Rachui "Mastering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager"