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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD) . Страница 3
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Martin Raab "Beyond Smart Beta. Index Investment Strategies for Active Portfolio Management"
Alexander Green "Beyond Wealth. The Road Map to a Rich Life"
Greg Niemann "Big Brown. The Untold Story of UPS"
Bernard Marr "Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary R"
Evan Stubbs "Big Data, Big Innovation. Enabling Competitive Differentiation through Business Analytics"
Bernard Marr "Big Data. Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics To Make Better Decisions and Improve Performan"
Brad Hardin "BIM and Construction Management. Proven Tools, Methods, and Workflows"
Joe Kraynak "Bipolar Disorder For Dummies"
Jason Gumster van "Blender For Dummies"
Melissa Culbertson "Blog Design For Dummies"
Amy Bair Lupold "Blogging For Dummies"
Michael Thomsett C. "Bloomberg Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting"
Robert Doty "Bloomberg Visual Guide to Municipal Bonds"
Paul Brountas P. "Boardroom Excellence. A Common Sense Perspective on Corporate Governance"
Ram Charan "Boards That Deliver. Advancing Corporate Governance From Compliance to Competitive Advantage"
John Bogle C. "Bogle On Mutual Funds. New Perspectives For The Intelligent Investor"
Donald Smith J. "Bond Math. The Theory Behind the Formulas"
Andrew Allentuck "Bonds for Canadians. How to Build Wealth and Lower Risk in Your Portfolio"
Hildy Richelson "Bonds. The Unbeaten Path to Secure Investment Growth"
Lita Epstein "Bookkeeping For Dummies"
Jon Petz "Boring Meetings Suck. Get More Out of Your Meetings, or Get Out of More Meetings"
Roger Dooley "Brainfluence. 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing"
Rob Fuggetta "Brand Advocates. Turning Enthusiastic Customers into a Powerful Marketing Force"
Paul Brown B. "Brand New. Solving the Innovation Paradox -- How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Servic"
Guy Champniss "Brand Valued. How socially valued brands hold the key to a sustainable future and business success"
Eric Sheninger "BrandED. Tell Your Story, Build Relationships, and Empower Learning"
Roger Blackwell "Brands That Rock. What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Rock and Roll"
Tracy Byrnes "Break Down Your Money. How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets"
Jill Flynn "Break Your Own Rules. How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power"
Rosie Steeves "Breaking the Leadership Mold. An Executive's Guide to Achieving Organizational Excellence"
Martine Liautaud "Breaking Through. Stories and Best Practices From Companies That Help Women Succeed"
David Keller "Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis. New Thinking From the World's Top Minds"
Stephanie Jones "BRICs and Beyond. Lessons on Emerging Markets"
Joseph McCormack "Brief. Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less"
Om Malik P. "Broadbandits. Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist"
Bruce Schneier "Bruce Schneier on Trust Set"
Joseph Belmonte "Buffett and Beyond. Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection"
Prem Jain C. "Buffett Beyond Value. Why Warren Buffett Looks to Growth and Management When Investing"
Alan Trefler "Build for Change. Revolutionizing Customer Engagement through Continuous Digital Innovation"
Rob Brown "Build Your Reputation. Grow Your Personal Brand for Career and Business Success"
Robert Rasmussen "Building a Better Business Using the Lego Serious Play Method"
Howland Blackiston "Building Beehives For Dummies"
Tim Flanagan A. "Building Conflict Competent Teams"
Bill Hinderman "Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web"
Robert Quinn E. "Building the Bridge As You Walk On It. A Guide for Leading Change"
Maciej Kranz "Building the Internet of Things. Implement New Business Models, Disrupt Competitors, Transform Your "
Kenneth Freeman M. "Building Wealth through Venture Capital. A Practical Guide for Investors and the Entrepreneurs They "
Ann Rhoades "Built on Values. Creating an Enviable Culture that Outperforms the Competition"
Blake Beattie "Bullseye!. The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Goals"
Alexander Hiam "Business Innovation For Dummies"
Joan Gallos V. "Business Leadership. A Jossey-Bass Reader"
Timothy Clark "Business Model You. A One-Page Method For Reinventing Your Career"
Stefan Thomas "Business Networking For Dummies"
Richard Pettinger "Business Studies For Dummies"
Jim Davis "Business Transformation. A Roadmap for Maximizing Organizational Insights"
Thomas Kee H. "Buy and Hold Is Dead. How to Make Money and Control Risk in Any Market"
David Sr. Grau "Buying, Selling, and Valuing Financial Practices. The FP Transitions M&A Guide"
Rod Stephens "C# 24-Hour Trainer"
Paul Shoemaker "Can't Not Do. The Compelling Social Drive that Changes Our World"
Peter Beck "Canadian Income Funds. Your Complete Guide to Income Trusts, Royalty Trusts and Real Estate Investme"
Julie Adair King "Canon EOS 77D For Dummies"
Doug Sahlin "Canon EOS 7D Mark II For Dummies"
Robert Correll "Canon EOS 80D For Dummies"
Doug Sahlin "Canon EOS Rebel SL1/100D For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Canon EOS Rebel T6/1300D For Dummies"
Julie Adair King "Canon EOS Rebel T7i/800D For Dummies"
Paul Barshop "Capital Projects. What Every Executive Needs to Know to Avoid Costly Mistakes and Make Major Investm"
Charles D. Ellis "Capital. The Story of Long-Term Investment Excellence"
Raymond Baker W. "Capitalism's Achilles Heel. Dirty Money and How to Renew the Free-Market System"
Edgar Schein H. "Career Imprints. Creating Leaders Across An Industry"
David Boberski "CDS Delivery Option. Better Pricing of Credit Default Swaps"
Raymond Blockmon "CEH v9. Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Practice Tests"
Michael Fullan "Change Leader. Learning to Do What Matters Most"
Rex Miller "Change Your Space, Change Your Culture. How Engaging Workspaces Lead to Transformation and Growth"
Bruce Kamich M. "Chart Patterns"
Tim Knight "Chart Your Way To Profits. The Online Trader's Guide to Technical Analysis"
Roger Kinsky "Charting Made Simple. A Beginner's Guide to Technical Analysis"
Anthony Stevens "Chasing Digital. A Playbook for the New Economy"
Julie Gauthier "Chicken Health For Dummies"
Liu Shengjun "China CEO. A Case Guide for Business Leaders in China"
Laurie Underwood "China CEO. Voices of Experience from 20 International Business Leaders"
Bill Dodson "China Fast Forward. The Technologies, Green Industries and Innovations Driving the Mainland's Future"
Bill Dodson "China Inside Out. 10 Irreversible Trends Reshaping China and its Relationship with the World"
Savio Chan "China's Super Consumers. What 1 Billion Customers Want and How to Sell it to Them"
Wu Xiaoqiu "Chinese Securities Companies. An Analysis of Economic Growth, Financial Structure Transformation, an"
Rich Evans "Click Here. Make the Internet Work for Your Business"
Susan Battley "Coached to Lead. How to Achieve Extraordinary Results with an Executive Coach"
Christopher Versace J. "Cocktail Investing. Distilling Everyday Noise into Clear Investment Signals for Better Returns"
Malcolm Frank "Code Halos. How the Digital Lives of People, Things, and Organizations are Changing the Rules of Bus"
John Mauldin "Code Red. How to Protect Your Savings From the Coming Crisis"
Nikhil Abraham "Coding For Dummies"
Patricia Crisafulli "Comebacks. Powerful Lessons from Leaders Who Endured Setbacks and Recaptured Success on Their Terms"
Mario Moussa "Committed Teams. Three Steps to Inspiring Passion and Performance"
Kenneth Fisher L. "Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits and Other Writings"
Jack Llewellyn H. "Commonsense Leadership. No Nonsense Rules for Improving Your Mental Game and Increasing Your Team's "
John Grable E. "Communication Essentials for Financial Planners. Strategies and Techniques"
Bruce Marcus W. "Competing for Capital. Investor Relations in a Dynamic World"
Keith Whitaker "Complete Family Wealth"
Edgar Peters E. "Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets"
Mark Gilbert "Complicit. How Greed and Collusion Made the Credit Crisis Unstoppable"
Bruce Feibel J. "Complying with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)"
Toby Skandier "CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide. Exams 220-901 and 220-902"
Michael Biema van "Concentrated Investing. Strategies of the World's Greatest Concentrated Value Investors"
Gill Hasson "Confidence Pocketbook. Little Exercises for a Self-Assured Life"
Frank Leistner "Connecting Organizational Silos. Taking Knowledge Flow Management to the Next Level with Social Medi"
John Talbott R. "Contagion. The Financial Epidemic That is Sweeping the Global Economy.. and How to Protect Yourself "
Karen Hunt-Ahmed "Contemporary Islamic Finance. Innovations, Applications and Best Practices"
Ann Handley "Content Rules. How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage"
Avi Savar "Content to Commerce. Engaging Consumers Across Paid, Owned and Earned Channels"
Hussein Kureshi "Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance. A User's Guide to Cash Flows, Balance Sheets, and Capital St"
Nick Calamos P. "Convertible Arbitrage. Insights and Techniques for Successful Hedging"
Caroline Oliver "Corporate Boards That Create Value. Governing Company Performance from the Boardroom"
Martin Fridson S. "Corporate Finance Workbook. A Practical Approach"
Martin Fridson S. "Corporate Finance. A Practical Approach"
Donna Kennedy-Glans "Corporate Integrity. A Toolkit for Managing Beyond Compliance"
James Adonis "Corporate Punishment. Smashing the Management Clichés for Leaders in a New World"
Robert Monks A.G. "Corporate Valuation for Portfolio Investment. Analyzing Assets, Earnings, Cash Flow, Stock Price, Go"
Mario Massari "Corporate Valuation. Measuring the Value of Companies in Turbulent Times"
Kevin Hogan "Covert Persuasion. Psychological Tactics and Tricks to Win the Game"
Jim Mellon "Cracking the Code. Understand and Profit from the Biotech Revolution That Will Transform Our Lives a"
David Fry "Create Your Own ETF Hedge Fund. A Do-It-Yourself ETF Strategy for Private Wealth Management"
Jeeva Ramaswamy "Creating a Portfolio like Warren Buffett. A High Return Investment Strategy"
Rodney Heisterberg "Creating Business Agility. How Convergence of Cloud, Social, Mobile, Video, and Big Data Enables Com"
Ford Harding "Creating Rainmakers. The Manager's Guide to Training Professionals to Attract New Clients"
Frances Horibe "Creating the Innovation Culture. Leveraging Visionaries, Dissenters and Other Useful Troublemakers"
Eric Beaudan "Creative Execution. What Great Leaders Do to Unleash Bold Thinking and Innovation"
James M. Kouzes "Credibility. How Leaders Gain and Lose It, Why People Demand It"
Bart Baesens "Credit Risk Analytics. Measurement Techniques, Applications, and Examples in SAS"
Tomasz Bielecki "Credit Risk Frontiers. Subprime Crisis, Pricing and Hedging, CVA, MBS, Ratings, and Liquidity"
Christina Schlachter Tangora "Critical Conversations For Dummies"
Carol Stephenson "Cross-Enterprise Leadership. Business Leadership for the Twenty-First Century"
Gurnek Bains "Cultural DNA. The Psychology of Globalization"
Shane Green "Culture Hacker. Reprogramming Your Employee Experience to Improve Customer Service, Retention, and P"
Will McInnes "Culture Shock. A Handbook For 21st Century Business"
Marc Benioff "Customer Obsessed. A Whole Company Approach to Delivering Exceptional Customer Experiences"
Becky Blalock "Dare. Straight Talk on Confidence, Courage, and Career for Women in Charge"
John Foreman W. "Data Smart. Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight"
Kathy Lien "Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market. Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit fr"
Ann C. Logue "Day Trading For Dummies"
Kathy Lien "Day Trading the Currency Market. Technical and Fundamental Strategies To Profit from Market Swings"
Janet Tavakoli M. "Dear Mr. Buffett. What an Investor Learns 1,269 Miles from Wall Street"
Patrick Lencioni M. "Death by Meeting. A Leadership Fable...About Solving the Most Painful Problem in Business"
Jian Gao "Debt Capital Markets in China"
Jeff Cox "Debt, Deficits, and the Demise of the American Economy"
Kenneth Fisher L. "Debunkery. Learn It, Do It, and Profit from It -- Seeing Through Wall Street's Money-Killing Myths"
Kit Yarrow "Decoding the New Consumer Mind. How and Why We Shop and Buy"
Deena Katz B. "Deena Katz's Complete Guide to Practice Management. Tips, Tools, and Templates for the Financial Adv"
Tobias Carlisle E. "Deep Value. Why Activist Investors and Other Contrarians Battle for Control of Losing Corporations"
Martin Hill-Wilson "Delivering Effective Social Customer Service. How to Redefine the Way You Manage Customer Experience"
Simon Atkins "Dementia For Dummies - UK"