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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD) . Страница 19
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Scott Budde J. "Compelling Returns. A Practical Guide to Socially Responsible Investing"
William Putsis "Compete Smarter, Not Harder. A Process for Developing the Right Priorities Through Strategic Thinkin"
Catherine Loisy "Competence and Program-based Approach in Training. Tools for Developing Responsible Activities"
Seena Sharp "Competitive Intelligence Advantage. How to Minimize Risk, Avoid Surprises, and Grow Your Business in"
William Martin Leake "Complete B2B Online Marketing"
Peter Economy "Complete MBA For Dummies"
Scott Aylward "Confessions from the Corner Office. 15 Instincts That Will Help You Get There"
Dan Roberts "Confessions of a Successful CIO. How the Best CIOs Tackle Their Toughest Business Challenges"
Judy Allen "Confessions of an Event Planner. Case Studies from the Real World of Events--How to Handle the Unexp"
Christine Richard S. "Confidence Game. How Hedge Fund Manager Bill Ackman Called Wall Street's Bluff"
Ron Person "Connect. How to Use Data and Experience Marketing to Create Lifetime Customers"
Barry Wacksman "Connected by Design. Seven Principles for Business Transformation Through Functional Integration"
Mukund Karanjikar "Conquering Innovation Fatigue. Overcoming the Barriers to Personal and Corporate Success"
Peter Economy "Consulting For Dummies"
Susan Gunelius "Content Marketing For Dummies"
Stephanie Diamond "Content Marketing Strategies For Dummies"
Bill Catlette "Contented Cows Still Give Better Milk, Revised and Expanded. The Plain Truth about Employee Engageme"
Christopher Culp L. "Corporate Aftershock. The Public Policy Lessons from the Collapse of Enron and Other Major Corporati"
Edward Bodmer "Corporate and Project Finance Modeling. Theory and Practice"
Tony Griffiths "Corporate Catalyst. A Chronicle of the (Mis)Management of Canadian Business from a Veteran Insider"
Will Murray "Corporate Denial. Confronting the World's Most Damaging Business Taboo"
Pascal Quiry "Corporate Finance. Theory and Practice"
Edith Hotchkiss "Corporate Financial Distress and Bankruptcy. Predict and Avoid Bankruptcy, Analyze and Invest in Dis"
Leslie Gaines-Ross "Corporate Reputation. 12 Steps to Safeguarding and Recovering Reputation"
Toby Bishop J. "Corporate Resiliency. Managing the Growing Risk of Fraud and Corruption"
Nancy Lee "Corporate Social Responsibility. Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause"
Zabihollah Rezaee "Corporate Sustainability. Integrating Performance and Reporting"
Jon Gregory "Counterparty Credit Risk and Credit Value Adjustment. A Continuing Challenge for Global Financial Ma"
James Murphy D. "Courage to Execute. What Elite U.S. Military Units Can Teach Business About Leadership and Team Perf"
Gus Lee "Courage. The Backbone of Leadership"
Al Lewis "Cracking Health Costs. How to Cut Your Company's Health Costs and Provide Employees Better Care"
Barbara Parus "Crazy Good Interviewing. How Acting A Little Crazy Can Get You The Job"
Mark Wolfinger D. "Create Your Own Hedge Fund. Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options"
Veechi Curtis "Creating a Business Plan For Dummies"
Patrick Snow "Creating Your Own Destiny. How to Get Exactly What You Want Out of Life and Work"
David Owens A "Creative People Must Be Stopped. 6 Ways We Kill Innovation (Without Even Trying)"
Jeff DeGraff "Creativity at Work. Developing the Right Practices to Make Innovation Happen"
Geoff Chaplin "Credit Derivatives. Trading, Investing,and Risk Management"
Damiano Brigo "Credit Models and the Crisis. A Journey into CDOs, Copulas, Correlations and Dynamic Models"
Mingyuan Zhang "Credit Risk Assessment. The New Lending System for Borrowers, Lenders, and Investors"
Anthony Saunders "Credit Risk Management In and Out of the Financial Crisis. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other"
Anthony Saunders "Credit Risk Measurement. New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms"
Daniel Rosch "Credit Securitisations and Derivatives. Challenges for the Global Markets"
Frances Cowell "Crisis Wasted?. Leading Risk Managers on Risk Culture"
Paula Caligiuri "Cultural Agility. Building a Pipeline of Successful Global Professionals"
John Mattone "Cultural Transformations. Lessons of Leadership and Corporate Reinvention"
Ashraf Laidi "Currency Trading and Intermarket Analysis. How to Profit from the Shifting Currents in Global Market"
Jeff Sauro "Customer Analytics For Dummies"
John McKean S. "Customer's New Voice. Extreme Relevancy and Experience through Volunteered Customer Information"
MacDonnell Ulsch "Cyber Threat!. How to Manage the Growing Risk of Cyber Attacks"
John Ehlers F. "Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures. Cutting-Edge DSP Technology to Improve Your Trading"
Laura Madsen B. "Data-Driven Healthcare. How Analytics and BI are Transforming the Industry"
Christopher Farrell A. "Day Trade Online"
Frank Buytendijk "Dealing with Dilemmas. Where Business Analytics Fall Short"
Grover Norquist Glenn "Debacle. Obama's War on Jobs and Growth and What We Can Do Now to Regain Our Future"
Steve McClatchy "Decide. Work Smarter, Reduce Your Stress, and Lead by Example"
Dawna Jones "Decision Making For Dummies"
J. Yates Frank "Decision Management. How to Assure Better Decisions in Your Company"
Jennifer Meyer "Decision Quality. Value Creation from Better Business Decisions"
Robert Quinn E. "Deep Change. Discovering the Leader Within"
Evan Stubbs "Delivering Business Analytics. Practical Guidelines for Best Practice"
Robert Davis A. "Demand-Driven Inventory Optimization and Replenishment. Creating a More Efficient Supply Chain"
Jason Perl "DeMark Indicators"
Andrew M. Chisholm "Derivatives Demystified. A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options"
Robert Whaley E. "Derivatives. Markets, Valuation, and Risk Management"
Stacy Schaus L. "Designing Successful Target-Date Strategies for Defined Contribution Plans. Putting Participants on "
Julie MacIntosh "Dethroning the King. The Hostile Takeover of Anheuser-Busch, an American Icon"
Gene Pease "Developing Human Capital. Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investm"
Peter Nixon "Dialogue Gap. Why Communication Isn't Enough and What We Can Do About It, Fast"
Peter Brandt L. "Diary of a Professional Commodity Trader. Lessons from 21 Weeks of Real Trading"
Anand Swaminathan "Digital @ Scale. The Playbook You Need to Transform Your Company"
Glyn Moody "Digital Code of Life. How Bioinformatics is Revolutionizing Science, Medicine, and Business"
Ryan Deiss "Digital Marketing For Dummies"
Jeremy Josse "Dinosaur Derivatives and Other Trades"
Ron Coby "Discover the Upside of Down. Investment Strategies for Volatile Times"
H. Baker Kent "Dividends and Dividend Policy"
Jim Troup "Divorcing the Dow. Using Revolutionary Market Indicators to Profit from the Stealth Boom Ahead"
Wesley R. Gray "DIY Financial Advisor. A Simple Solution to Build and Protect Your Wealth"
Nick Tasler "Domino. The Simplest Way to Inspire Change"
Alan S. Blinder "Don't Count on It!. Reflections on Investment Illusions, Capitalism, "Mutual" Funds, Indexing, Entre"
Gary Coxe "Don't Let Others Rent Space in Your Head. Your Guide to Living Well, Overcoming Obstacles, and Winni"
Razi Imam "Driven. A How-to Strategy for Unlocking Your Greatest Potential"
Steve Sanghi "Driving Excellence. How The Aggregate System Turned Microchip Technology from a Failing Company to a"
M. Pilot Jayne "Driving Sustainability to Business Success. The DS FactorManagement System Integration and Automatio"
Kwek Yong Ping "Due Diligence in China. Beyond the Checklists"
Thomas Cummings G. "Dynamic Strategy-Making. A Real-Time Approach for the 21st Century Leader"
John Arnold "E-Mail Marketing For Dummies"
Leonard Wolfe "Easy Economics. A Visual Guide to What You Need to Know"
Paul Wallbank "eBu$iness. 7 Steps to Get Your Small Business Online.. and Making Money Now!"
Jeff Thredgold "EconAmerica. Why the American Economy is Alive and Well... And What That Means to Your Wallet"
Roberto Pedace "Econometrics For Dummies"
Michael Griffis "Economic Indicators For Dummies"
Herman Cain "Economic Warfare. Secrets of Wealth Creation in the Age of Welfare Politics"
Peter Antonioni "Economics For Dummies"
Sean Flynn Masaki "Economics For Dummies"
Jerald Pinto E. "Economics for Investment Decision Makers Workbook. Micro, Macro, and International Economics"
Mark Skousen "EconoPower. How a New Generation of Economists is Transforming the World"
Steve Faktor "Econovation. The Red, White, and Blue Pill for Arousing Innovation"
Peter Nash "Effective Product Control. Controlling for Trading Desks"
Chris Harris "Electricity Markets. Pricing, Structures and Economics"
Allen Baird Jan "Electronic Trading Masters. Secrets from the Pros!"
Peter Senge "Elephant in the Room. How Relationships Make or Break the Success of Leaders and Organizations"
Rich Horwath "Elevate. The Three Disciplines of Advanced Strategic Thinking"
Pierre Lu Xiao "Elite China. Luxury Consumer Behavior in China"
Tim Wang "Emerging Market Real Estate Investment. Investing in China, India, and Brazil"
Jerome Booth "Emerging Markets in an Upside Down World. Challenging Perceptions in Asset Allocation and Investment"
Carl Speshock H. "Empowering Green Initiatives with IT. A Strategy and Implementation Guide"
Thomas Bulkowski N. "Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts"
Alan Bjerga "Endless Appetites. How the Commodities Casino Creates Hunger and Unrest"
Addison Wiggin "Endless Money. The Moral Hazards of Socialism"
Betty Simkins "Energy Finance and Economics. Analysis and Valuation, Risk Management, and the Future of Energy"
Gail Goodman F. "Engagement Marketing. How Small Business Wins in a Socially Connected World"
Joan Gallos V. "Engagement. Transforming Difficult Relationships at Work"
Tristan Yates "Enhanced Indexing Strategies. Utilizing Futures and Options to Achieve Higher Performance"
Brett Steenbarger N. "Enhancing Trader Performance. Proven Strategies From the Cutting Edge of Trading Psychology"
Anne Marchetti M. "Enterprise Risk Management Best Practices. From Assessment to Ongoing Compliance"
Karen Hardy "Enterprise Risk Management. A Guide for Government Professionals"
Gregory Monahan "Enterprise Risk Management. A Methodology for Achieving Strategic Objectives"
James Lam "Enterprise Risk Management. From Incentives to Controls"
John Fraser "Enterprise Risk Management. Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives"
Vivek Sehgal "Enterprise Supply Chain Management. Integrating Best in Class Processes"
Angelo Calvello "Environmental Alpha. Institutional Investors and Climate Change"
Sonia Labatt "Environmental Finance. A Guide to Environmental Risk Assessment and Financial Products"
Romain Debref "Environmental Innovation and Ecodesign. Certainties and Controversies"
Reto Francioni "Equity Markets in Action. The Fundamentals of Liquidity, Market Structure & Trading + CD"
Jean-Paul Louisot "ERM - Enterprise Risk Management. Issues and Cases"
Simon Hubbert "Essential Mathematics for Market Risk Management"
J. Kinahan J. "Essential Option Strategies. Understanding the Market and Avoiding Common Pitfalls"
Mohan Nair "Essentials of Balanced Scorecard"
Denis Collins "Essentials of Business Ethics. Creating an Organization of High Integrity and Superior Performance"
Thomas Duening N. "Essentials of Business Process Outsourcing"
Mara Conway E. "Essentials of Enterprise Compliance"
James Chen "Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading"
Kevin Callahan R. "Essentials of Strategic Project Management"
Michael Hugos H. "Essentials of Supply Chain Management"
Sanjay Anand "Essentials of the Dodd-Frank Act"
James Sagner "Essentials of Working Capital Management"
Joe Zhu "Evaluating Hedge Fund and CTA Performance. Data Envelopment Analysis Approach"
Laura Capell "Event Management For Dummies"
Judy Allen "Event Planning Ethics and Etiquette. A Principled Approach to the Business of Special Event Manageme"
Judy Allen "Event Planning. The Ultimate Guide To Successful Meetings, Corporate Events, Fundraising Galas, Conf"
David Luckham C. "Event Processing for Business. Organizing the Real-Time Enterprise"
Michael Ramirez "Everyone Has the Right to My Opinion. Investor's Business Daily Pulitzer Prize-Winning Editorial Car"
Cary Krosinsky "Evolutions in Sustainable Investing. Strategies, Funds and Thought Leadership"
Robin Crow "Evolve or Die. Seven Steps to Rethink the Way You Do Business"
Jeff Thull "Exceptional Selling. How the Best Connect and Win in High Stakes Sales"
Sanjiv Anand "Execution Excellence. Making Strategy Work Using the Balanced Scorecard"
David Lieberman J. "Executive Power. Use the Greatest Collection of Psychological Strategies to Create an Automatic Adva"
Marty Seldman "Executive Stamina. How to Optimize Time, Energy, and Productivity to Achieve Peak Performance"
Robert R. Moeller "Executive's Guide to IT Governance. Improving Systems Processes with Service Management, COBIT, and "