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Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited
Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited . Страница 31
Наука, Образование/Медицина
Stephen Richmond "Evidence-Based Orthodontics"
Stephen Richmond "Evidence-Based Orthodontics"
Mohit Bhandari "Evidence-based Orthopedics"
Ross Pinkerton "Evidence-Based Pediatric Oncology"
Dmochowski Roger "Evidence-based Urology"
Anne Lomax "Examination of the Newborn. An Evidence Based Guide"
Anne Lomax "Examination of the Newborn. An Evidence-Based Guide"
John Gormley "Exercise Therapy in the Management of Musculoskeletal Disorders"
Terry Campbell "Exotic Animal Hematology and Cytology"
Bonnie Ballard "Exotic Animal Medicine for the Veterinary Technician"
Michael Coleman D. "Expert Report Writing in Toxicology. Forensic, Scientific and Legal Aspects"
Om Singh V. "Extremophiles. Sustainable Resources and Biotechnological Implications"
Farhad Naini B. "Facial Aesthetics. Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis"
David Goldberg J. "Facial Resurfacing"
HuiChu Lin "Farm Animal Anesthesia. Cattle, Small Ruminants, Camelids, and Pigs"
Mathew Avram "Fat Removal. Invasive and Non-invasive Body Contouring"
Polly Taylor "Feline Anesthesia and Pain Management"
Linda Cardozo "Female Genital Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery"
Egon Jonsson "Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Management and Policy Perspectives of FASD"
James Segars H. "Fibroids"
Ellis Lader "Field Guide to the Arrhythmias"
Katherine Polak "Field Manual for Small Animal Medicine"
Marci Thomas S. "Financial Management of Health Care Organizations. An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts an"
Ko-Pen Wang "Flexible Bronchoscopy"
Litwin Virginia "Flow Cytometry in Drug Discovery and Development"
Claudio Ortolani "Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies"
Claudio Ortolani "Flow Cytometry of Hematological Malignancies"
Charlotte Donohoe "Fluid Therapy for Veterinary Technicians and Nurses"
Ulrich Kubitscheck "Fluorescence Microscopy. From Principles to Biological Applications"
Ulrich Kubitscheck "Fluorescence Microscopy. From Principles to Biological Applications"
Manit Arya "Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer"
Gregory Lisciandro R. "Focused Ultrasound Techniques for the Small Animal Practitioner"
Richard N. Fogoros, MD "Fogoros' Electrophysiologic Testing"
Alejandro Cifuentes "Foodomics. Advanced Mass Spectrometry in Modern Food Science and Nutrition"
Ruby Puckett Parker "Foodservice Manual for Health Care Institutions"
David Shore A. "Forces of Change. New Strategies for the Evolving Health Care Marketplace"
John Hunter "Forensic Approaches to Buried Remains"
Brian Heard J. "Forensic Ballistics in Court. Interpretation and Presentation of Firearms Evidence"
Michael Taylor "Forensic Biomechanics"
Julie Roberts "Forensic Ecology Handbook. From Crime Scene to Court"
Catherine Adams "Forensic Odontology. An Essential Guide"
Jane Taylor "Forensic Odontology. Principles and Practice"
Anna Williams "Forensic Science Education and Training"
Evgeny Katz "Forensic Science. A Multidisciplinary Approach"
Timothy Berthold "Foundations for Community Health Workers"
Michael Allen J. "Foundations of Forensic Document Analysis. Theory and Practice"
Marchese Marc C. "Foundations of Health Care Management. Principles and Methods"
Andrew Brown "Fractures of the Facial Skeleton"
Hugo Kubinyi "Fragment-based Drug Discovery. Lessons and Outlook"
Jo Manion "From Management to Leadership. Strategies for Transforming Health"
William Reece O. "Functional Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals"
Errol Reiss "Fundamental Medical Mycology"
Peate Ian "Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Student Nurses"
Ian Peate "Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. For Nursing and Healthcare Students"
Ian Peate "Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology. An Essential Guide for Nursing and Healthcare Students"
Ian Peate "Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology. An Essential Guide for Nursing and Healthcare Students"
Etsuro Uemura E. "Fundamentals of Canine Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology"
Ian Peate "Fundamentals of Care. A Textbook for Health and Social Care Assistants"
Peate Ian "Fundamentals of Children's Anatomy and Physiology. A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students"
Steven Berger "Fundamentals of Health Care Financial Management. A Practical Guide to Fiscal Issues and Activities,"
Jane Wills "Fundamentals of Health Promotion for Nurses"
Debbie Weston "Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control. Theory and Practice"
Anne-marie Brady "Fundamentals of Medical-Surgical Nursing. A Systems Approach"
Gemma Stacey "Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing. An Essential Guide for Nursing and Healthcare Students"
Louise Lewis "Fundamentals of Midwifery. A Textbook for Students"
J. Hubar Sean "Fundamentals of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology"
Arthur Hand R. "Fundamentals of Oral Histology and Physiology"
Helen Walsh "Fundamentals of Palliative Care for Student Nurses"
Sam Willis "Fundamentals of Paramedic Practice. A Systems Approach"
Hun-Young Yoon "Fundamentals of Small Animal Surgery"
Warnock David W. "Fungal Infection. Diagnosis and Management"
Kevin Kavanagh "Fungi. Biology and Applications"
Kevin Kavanagh "Fungi. Biology and Applications"
Stefan Schmidt R. "Fusion Protein Technologies for Biopharmaceuticals. Applications and Challenges"
Culver Emma "Gastroenterology. Clinical Cases Uncovered"
Douglas Simon "Gastrointestinal Anatomy and Physiology. The Essentials"
Ernst Kuipers "Gastrointestinal Bleeding"
Roy Soetikno M. "Gastrointestinal Emergencies"
John Deutsch C. "Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in the Cancer Patient"
Francesco Clementi "General and Molecular Pharmacology. Principles of Drug Action"
Hannon Lynn "General Hospital Care for People with Learning Disabilities"
Harriet Brooks "General Pathology for Veterinary Nurses"
Carol Cooper "General Practice Cases at a Glance"
Alison Lee "General Practice, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered"
Aubrey Milunsky "Genetic Disorders and the Fetus. Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment"
Andrew Teasdale "Genotoxic Impurities. Strategies for Identification and Control"
Paula Friedman K. "Geriatric Dentistry. Caring for Our Aging Population"
Iona Murdoch "Geriatric Emergencies"
Amal Mattu "Geriatric Emergencies. A Discussion-based Review"
Adrian Blundell "Geriatric Medicine at a Glance"
Marwan Sabbagh N. "Geriatric Neurology"
David Bowers "Getting Started in Health Research"
Mumford Colin J. "Getting that Medical Job. Secrets for Success"
Paul Moayyedi "GI Epidemiology. Diseases and Clinical Methodology"
Alexei Verkhratsky "Glial Physiology and Pathophysiology"
George Luber "Global Climate Change and Human Health. From Science to Practice"
Lee Kelley "Global Health and International Relations"
Josse Thomas R. "Global New Drug Development. An Introduction"
David Collins S. "Gracey's Meat Hygiene"
Andropoulos Dean B. "Gregory's Pediatric Anesthesia"
Kristopher Goodrich "Group Counseling with LGBTQI Persons Across the Life Span"
Mahmoud Mansour "Guide to Ruminant Anatomy. Dissection and Clinical Aspects"
Douglas Altman "Guidelines for Reporting Health Research. A User's Manual"
Mahmood Shafi "Gynecologic and Obstetric Surgery. Challenges and Management Options"
Allison Axtell E. "Gynecologic Oncology. Evidence-Based Perioperative and Supportive Care"
Hoffbrand A. Victor "Haematology at a Glance"
Thachil Jecko "Haematology in Critical Care. A Practical Handbook"
Brown Marvelle "Haematology Nursing"
Owen Smith "Haematology, eTextbook. Clinical Cases Uncovered"
Enrico Ascher "Haimovici's Vascular Surgery"
Rolf Mahlberg "Hämatologie. Theorie und Praxis für medizinische Assistenzberufe"
Didier Pittet "Hand Hygiene. A Handbook for Medical Professionals"
Nancy Obuchowski A. "Handbook for Clinical Trials of Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions"
Maureen McMichael "Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols"
Shilin Chen "Handbook of Chemical and Biological Plant Analytical Methods, 3 Volume Set"
Brook Charles G.D. "Handbook of Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology"
Jane Soxman A. "Handbook of Clinical Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry"
Martin Nielsen K. "Handbook of Equine Parasite Control"
Burkhard Madea "Handbook of Forensic Medicine"
Janusz Jankowski "Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer"
Timothy Johnson P. "Handbook of Health Survey Methods"
Sarah Wolfensohn "Handbook of Laboratory Animal Management and Welfare"
Frans J. de Bruijn "Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology I. Metagenomics and Complementary Approaches"
Frans J. de Bruijn "Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology II. Metagenomics in Different Habitats"
Catherine Westbrook "Handbook of MRI Technique"
Valter Tucci "Handbook of Neurobehavioral Genetics and Phenotyping"
Neville Robinson "Handbook of Obstetric High Dependency Care"
Richard Doty L. "Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation"
Ashraf Ayoub "Handbook of Orthognathic Treatment. A Team Approach"
Christina Faull "Handbook of Palliative Care"
Anurag Agrawal K. "Handbook of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology. Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland"
Watson Maggie "Handbook of Psychotherapy in Cancer Care"
Fronek Jiri "Handbook of Renal and Pancreatic Transplantation"
Batey Deborah "Handbook of Retinal Screening in Diabetes. Diagnosis and Management"
Phillip Lerche "Handbook of Small Animal Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia Techniques"
Bo Berglund "Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science, Canoeing"
Misop Han "Handbook of Urology"
Elizabeth Morrow "Handbook of User Involvement in Nursing and Healthcare Research"
Jecko Thachil "Handbook of Venous Thromboembolism"
Gray Carol "Handbook of Veterinary Communication Skills"
Orpet Hilary "Handbook of Veterinary Nursing"
Susan VandeWoude "Harkness and Wagner's Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents"
Matthew Robbins "Headache"
Meurier Clency "Health Assessment"
Karen Glanz "Health Behavior. Theory, Research, and Practice"
Howard Greenwald P "Health Care in the United States. Organization, Management, and Policy"
Karen Wager A. "Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for Health Care Management"
Karen Wager A. "Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for Health Care Management"
Kros John F. "Health Care Operations and Supply Chain Management. Operations, Planning, and Control"
Judy McKimm "Health Care Professionalism at a Glance"