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Книги из категории: Современная проза - Книги о войне
Книги из категории: Современная проза - Книги о войне
0+ "Forward, March": A Tale of the Spanish-American War
16+ «Зверобои» штурмуют Берлин. От Зееловских высот до Рейхстага
16+ «Контрабасы» или «дикие гуси» войны
18+ «Лимонка» в войну
0+ «Мессер» – меч небесный. Из Люфтваффе в штрафбат
16+ «Мы не дрогнем в бою». Отстоять Москву!
0+ «Пчела» ужалит завтра
16+ «Раньше смерти не помрем!» Танкист, диверсант, смертник
12+ «Шторм» начать раньше…
12+ «Штурмфогель» без свастики
0+ A Girl Made of Dust
0+ A Good Land
0+ A Mother’s Spirit
0+ A Woman of War: A new voice in historical fiction for 2018, for fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz
0+ All My Sins Remembered
0+ An Unsafe Haven
0+ And God Created the Au Pair
0+ Bed of Roses
0+ Before the Dawn: A Story of the Fall of Richmond
0+ Black Cross
0+ Bone China
12+ Britain at Bay
0+ Brixton Beach
0+ Call Me Mrs Miracle
0+ Carthage
12+ Christine
16+ Czerń i purpura
16+ Dessant
16+ Dora, Dora
0+ Double Fault
0+ Dreams of Water
0+ Enchanter: Book Two of the Axis Trilogy
0+ Every Home Needs A Balcony
0+ Five Miles from Outer Hope
0+ Forget-Me-Not Child
0+ Frank Mildmay; Or, The Naval Officer
0+ Franky Furbo
12+ Friends, though divided: A Tale of the Civil War
0+ Goodbye for Now: A breathtaking historical debut
0+ Heading Inland
0+ Her Hidden Life: A captivating story of history, danger and risking it all for love
0+ Home Fires
0+ Home In Time For Christmas
0+ How The Redoubt Was Taken
0+ I'll Be Seeing You
0+ If I Die in a Combat Zone
16+ Im Westen nichts Neues / На Западном фронте без перемен. Книга для чтения на немецком языке
16+ Ja mägedelt kajas vastu
12+ Jack Archer: A Tale of the Crimea
0+ Jacob Faithful
18+ Kai dingo balandžiai
18+ Kapitan Jamróz
16+ Kerjustüdruk. Sari Ajavaim
18+ Keturiasdešimt Musa Dago dienų
0+ L’ira Dei Vilipesi
0+ La Furia De Los Insultados
0+ Lacy
16+ Lahustumine
0+ London Belles
0+ Lord Greville's Captive
16+ Majad jõe ääres
18+ Major
0+ Men from the Boys
0+ Moonglow
0+ Netherland
0+ No Surrender! A Tale of the Rising in La Vendee
16+ Non mi avete fatto niente
0+ On the Irrawaddy: A Story of the First Burmese War
0+ One of the 28th: A Tale of Waterloo
0+ One Thousand Chestnut Trees
0+ Orange and Green: A Tale of the Boyne and Limerick
12+ Päästetud
0+ Play With a Tiger and Other Plays
0+ Pynter Bender
0+ Scenes from Early Life
16+ Sein Kampf
0+ Shift
0+ Sixteen Shades of Crazy
0+ Sole Survivor
0+ Tam o' the Scoots
0+ Ten Steps to Happiness
0+ The Antique Dealer’s Daughter
0+ The Border Watch: A Story of the Great Chief's Last Stand
12+ The Boy Volunteers with the French Airmen
0+ The Candidate: A Political Romance
0+ The Children of the New Forest
0+ The Complete Heritage Trilogy: Semper Mars, Luna Marine, Europa Strike
0+ The Complete Inheritance Trilogy: Star Strike, Galactic Corps, Semper Human
0+ The Complete Legacy Trilogy: Star Corps, Battlespace, Star Marines
0+ The Confessions Collection
0+ The Dilemmas of Harriet Carew
0+ The Eyes of the Woods: A Story of the Ancient Wilderness
0+ The Forest of Swords: A Story of Paris and the Marne
0+ The Forest Runners: A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
0+ The Free Rangers: A Story of the Early Days Along the Mississippi
0+ The Girl From Cobb Street
0+ The Girl with the Golden Spurs
0+ The Guns of Bull Run: A Story of the Civil War's Eve
0+ The Guns of Shiloh: A Story of the Great Western Campaign
0+ The Hosts of the Air
0+ The Hunters of the Hills
0+ The Keepers of the Trail: A Story of the Great Woods
0+ The Kindness of Women
0+ The Last Days of the Lacuna Cabal
0+ The Last Kestrel
0+ The Last of the Chiefs: A Story of the Great Sioux War
0+ The Lords of the Wild: A Story of the Old New York Border
0+ The Man from Saigon
12+ The Marne: A Tale of the War
12+ The Masters of the Peaks: A Story of the Great North Woods
0+ The Morcai Battalion
0+ The Perfect 10
0+ The Perfect Tribute
0+ The Riflemen of the Ohio: A Story of the Early Days along "The Beautiful River"
0+ The Rise and Fall of the Queen of Suburbia: A Black-Hearted Soap Opera
0+ The Rock of Chickamauga: A Story of the Western Crisis
0+ The Rulers of the Lakes: A Story of George and Champlain
0+ The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign
12+ The Scouts of the Valley
0+ The Secret Legacy: The perfect summer read for fans of Santa Montefiore, Victoria Hislop and Dinah J
0+ The Secret Orphan
0+ The Self-Seeding Sycamore: A Short Story from the collection, Reader, I Married Him
0+ The Shades of the Wilderness: A Story of Lee's Great Stand
0+ The Silent Woman: The USA TODAY BESTSELLER - a gripping historical fiction
0+ The Star Carrier Series Books 1-3: Earth Strike, Centre of Gravity, Singularity
0+ The Star of Gettysburg: A Story of Southern High Tide
0+ The Sword of Antietam: A Story of the Nation's Crisis
0+ The Texan Scouts: A Story of the Alamo and Goliad
0+ The Things They Carried
0+ The Tree of Appomattox
0+ The Virtuous Cyprian
0+ The War Widow
0+ The Warrior
0+ The White Dove
0+ The Young Carthaginian: A Story of The Times of Hannibal
0+ The Young Franc Tireurs, and Their Adventures in the Franco-Prussian War
0+ The Young Trailers: A Story of Early Kentucky
0+ Thirty Girls
0+ Three Girls and their Brother
0+ Timothy Lea's Complete Confessions
16+ Tuli
0+ Twelve Rooms with a View
16+ Ukraina häirekell. Takerdunud rünnak II
0+ Under Wellington's Command: A Tale of the Peninsular War
16+ Unustatud
0+ Where You Belong
0+ Winning His Spurs: A Tale of the Crusades
0+ With Buller in Natal, Or, a Born Leader
0+ With Frederick the Great: A Story of the Seven Years' War
0+ With Lee in Virginia: A Story of the American Civil War