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Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Математика
Книги из категории: Наука, Образование - Математика
0+ Kernel Smoothing. Principles, Methods and Applications
12+ KS-метод обнаружения структурного сдвига в GARCH(1,1) моделях
0+ Large-Scale Inverse Problems and Quantification of Uncertainty
0+ Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis. With Applications in the Social, Behavioral, and Health
0+ Latent Variable Models and Factor Analysis. A Unified Approach
0+ Leçons sur le calcul des fonctions
0+ Linear Algebra For Dummies
0+ Linear Algebra. Ideas and Applications
0+ Linear Models
0+ Linear Models and Time-Series Analysis. Regression, ANOVA, ARMA and GARCH
0+ Linear Programming and Network Flows
0+ Log-Linear Modeling. Concepts, Interpretation, and Application
0+ Logic and Discrete Mathematics. A Concise Introduction
0+ Logic and Discrete Mathematics. A Concise Introduction, Solutions Manual
0+ Logic as a Tool. A Guide to Formal Logical Reasoning
0+ Logic For Dummies
0+ Lower Previsions
0+ Machine Learning. Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals
0+ Making Sense of Data I. A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
0+ Making Sense of Data III. A Practical Guide to Designing Interactive Data Visualizations
0+ Managerial Logic
0+ Markov Chains. Analytic and Monte Carlo Computations
0+ Markov Chains. From Theory to Implementation and Experimentation
0+ Markov Chains. Theory and Applications
0+ Math For Real Life For Dummies
0+ Math Word Problems For Dummies
0+ Mathematical and Computational Modeling. With Applications in Natural and Social Sciences, Engineeri
0+ Mathematical Foundations for Linear Circuits and Systems in Engineering
0+ Mathematical Game Theory and Applications
0+ Mathematical Modeling. Applications with GeoGebra
0+ Mathematical Modelling. A Graduate Textbook
0+ Mathematical Statistics and Stochastic Processes
0+ Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
0+ Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R
0+ Mathematics for Modeling and Scientific Computing
0+ Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
12+ Mathematics of the market. Service random flow
0+ Mathematische Statistik. Für Mathematiker, Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaftler
0+ MATLAB und Mathematik kompetent einsetzen. Eine Einführung für Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
0+ Matrix Algebra for Linear Models
0+ Matrix Algebra Useful for Statistics
0+ Matrix Analysis for Statistics
0+ Measure, Probability, and Mathematical Finance. A Problem-Oriented Approach
0+ Melanges physico-mathematiques
0+ Meta-Analysis. A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
0+ Meta-heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineering Optimization
0+ Method of Lines PDE Analysis in Biomedical Science and Engineering
0+ Methods of Multivariate Analysis
0+ Microeconometrics in Business Management
0+ Milling Simulation. Metal Milling Mechanics, Dynamics and Clamping Principles
0+ Misconceptions of Risk
0+ Misconceptions of Risk
0+ Mixed Models. Theory and Applications with R
0+ Mixtures. Estimation and Applications
0+ Modeling and Analysis of Compositional Data
0+ Modeling and Simulation Fundamentals. Theoretical Underpinnings and Practical Domains
0+ Modeling and Simulation in the Medical and Health Sciences
0+ Modeling and Simulation Support for System of Systems Engineering Applications
0+ Modeling in Physics and Math's Education. The materials of Russian–German Seminar in Moscow – Cologn
0+ Modeling of Next Generation Digital Learning Environments. Complex Systems Theory
0+ Modeling Online Auctions
0+ Modelling Under Risk and Uncertainty. An Introduction to Statistical, Phenomenological and Computati
0+ Models for Life. An Introduction to Discrete Mathematical Modeling with Microsoft Office Excel
0+ Modern Computational Finance. AAD and Parallel Simulations
0+ Modern Industrial Statistics. with applications in R, MINITAB and JMP
0+ Multi-armed Bandit Allocation Indices
0+ Multi-criteria Decision Analysis. Methods and Software
0+ Multilevel Statistical Models
0+ Multistate Systems Reliability Theory with Applications
0+ Multivariate Analysis for the Biobehavioral and Social Sciences. A Graphical Approach
0+ Multivariate Density Estimation. Theory, Practice, and Visualization
0+ Multivariate Nonparametric Regression and Visualization. With R and Applications to Finance
0+ Multivariate Statistics. High-Dimensional and Large-Sample Approximations
0+ Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Applications
0+ Natural Element Method for the Simulation of Structures and Processes
0+ Neural-Based Orthogonal Data Fitting. The EXIN Neural Networks
0+ Nonlinear Parameter Optimization Using R Tools
0+ Nonlinear Physical Systems. Spectral Analysis, Stability and Bifurcations
0+ Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
0+ Nonparametric Hypothesis Testing. Rank and Permutation Methods with Applications in R
0+ Nonparametric Statistical Methods
0+ Nonparametric Statistics. A Step-by-Step Approach
0+ Nonparametric Tests for Censored Data
0+ Nonparametric Tests for Complete Data
12+ NP=P? Algorithms for solving NP-problems by matrix method in Scilab program
0+ Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations
0+ Numerical Methods for Inverse Problems
0+ Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
0+ Numerical Methods for Simulation and Optimization of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes. Appli
0+ Oeuvres. T. 1
0+ Oeuvres. T. 2
0+ Oeuvres. T. 3
0+ Oeuvres. T. 4
0+ Online Panel Research. A Data Quality Perspective
0+ Optimal Learning
0+ Optimierung in C++. Grundlagen und Algorithmen
0+ Optimization of Logistics
0+ Optimization Techniques and Applications with Examples
0+ Panel Data Analysis using EViews
0+ Panel Data Econometrics with R
0+ Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization. Problems and New Approaches
0+ Paradigms of Combinatorial Optimization. Problems and New Approaches, Volume 2
0+ Performing Data Analysis Using IBM SPSS
12+ Piston Engines of the New Generation (Without turbo – supercharging)
0+ Pre-Algebra Essentials For Dummies
0+ Pre-Calculus For Dummies
0+ Pre-Calculus For Dummies
0+ Pre-Calculus Workbook For Dummies
0+ Presenting Data: How to Communicate Your Message Effectively
0+ Primes of the Form x2+ny2. Fermat, Class Field Theory, and Complex Multiplication
0+ Principles of Mathematics. A Primer
0+ Private Equity Firms. Their Role in the Formation of Strategic Alliances
0+ Probabilistic Design for Optimization and Robustness for Engineers
0+ Probabilistic Search for Tracking Targets. Theory and Modern Applications
0+ Probabilities. The Little Numbers That Rule Our Lives
0+ Probability and Conditional Expectation. Fundamentals for the Empirical Sciences
0+ Probability and Random Processes
0+ Probability and Stochastic Processes
0+ Probability For Dummies
0+ Probability. An Introduction with Statistical Applications
0+ Probability. With Applications and R
0+ Problem Solving and Data Analysis Using Minitab. A Clear and Easy Guide to Six Sigma Methodology
0+ Propagation Dynamics on Complex Networks. Models, Methods and Stability Analysis
0+ QBASIC в математике. Решение задач с помощью компьютера. Часть 1
0+ Quantile Regression. Estimation and Simulation
0+ Quantile Regression. Theory and Applications
0+ Quantitative Methods. An Introduction for Business Management
0+ Question Evaluation Methods. Contributing to the Science of Data Quality
0+ R-функции в компьютерном моделировании дизайна 3D-поверхности автомобиля
0+ R-функции как аппарат в приложениях фрактальной геометрии
0+ Ranks of Groups. The Tools, Characteristics, and Restrictions
0+ Rasch Models in Health
0+ Real Analysis. A Historical Approach
0+ Recueil d'ouvrages curieux de mathematique et de mecanique
0+ Recurrent Event Modeling Based on the Yule Process. Application to Water Network Asset Management
0+ Register-based Statistics. Statistical Methods for Administrative Data
0+ Regression Analysis by Example
0+ Reinsurance. Actuarial and Statistical Aspects
0+ Reliability of Engineering Systems and Technological Risk
0+ Reproducibility. Principles, Problems, Practices, and Prospects
0+ Research Methods for Postgraduates
0+ Response Surface Methodology. Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments
0+ Revolutions of Geometry
0+ Risk Assessment. Theory, Methods, and Applications
0+ Robust Correlation. Theory and Applications
0+ Robust Statistics. Theory and Methods (with R)
0+ Robustness Theory and Application
6+ Sabiedrība ar ierobežoto atbildību «Maxima Latvija». Prakses parskāts
0+ Sampling
0+ Sandburgen, Staus und Seifenblasen