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Книги из категории: Искусство - Критика
Книги из категории: Искусство - Критика
0+ A Dictionary of Postmodernism
0+ A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare
0+ A Future for Criticism
0+ A Guide to Old English
0+ A Handbook of Anglo-Saxon Studies
0+ A Handbook of English Renaissance Literary Studies
0+ A Handbook of Modernism Studies
0+ A Handbook of Romanticism Studies
0+ A Handbook to Classical Reception in Eastern and Central Europe
0+ A Handbook to the Reception of Greek Drama
0+ A Handbook to the Reception of Ovid
0+ A Handbook to the Reception of Thucydides
0+ A History of American Literature
12+ A History of Chinese Literature
0+ A History of Eighteenth-Century British Literature
0+ A History of Modern Drama, Volume I
0+ A History of Modern Drama, Volume II. 1960 - 2000
0+ A History of Modernist Literature
0+ A History of Old English Literature
0+ A History of Roman Art
0+ A House of Air
0+ A New Companion to Digital Humanities
0+ A New Companion to Milton
0+ A New Companion to Renaissance Drama
0+ A New Companion to The Gothic
0+ A New Companion to The Gothic
0+ A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture
0+ A Room of One's Own
0+ A Said Dictionary
0+ A Secret Vice: Tolkien on Invented Languages
0+ A Short History of Early Modern England. British Literature in Context
12+ A.B. Барцал, или История русской оперы
0+ Actors and Icons of the Ancient Theater
0+ After Globalization
0+ After the Fall. American Literature Since 9/11
0+ American World Literature: An Introduction
0+ An Introduction to Criticism. Literature - Film - Culture
0+ Ancient Babylonian Medicine. Theory and Practice
0+ Ancient Epic
0+ Ancient Greek and Roman Slavery
0+ Ancient Rome and Modern America
0+ Anglo-Saxon Keywords
0+ Antiquity and Modernity
12+ Aspects and Impressions
12+ Back in the USSR
0+ Basic Elements of Narrative
0+ Baudrillard Now. Current Perspectives in Baudrillard Studies
0+ Breaking the Book. Print Humanities in the Digital Age
0+ British Literature 1640-1789. An Anthology
0+ Catullus
0+ Colonial Voices. The Discourses of Empire
0+ Comic Relief. A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor
0+ Culture in a Liquid Modern World
0+ Defending Middle-earth: Tolkien: Myth and Modernity
0+ Defoe on Sheppard and Wild: The True and Genuine Account of the Life and Actions of the Late Jonatha
0+ Dionysus Resurrected. Performances of Euripides' The Bacchae in a Globalizing World
0+ Eighteenth Century English Literature
0+ Eighteenth-Century Poetry. An Annotated Anthology
0+ Empire, Colony, Postcolony
0+ English Translation and Classical Reception. Towards a New Literary History
0+ Exploring Greek Myth
0+ Exploring Religion in Ancient Egypt
16+ Films and Levels – 2. Last Hope
12+ Films and Levels – 3. Humans and Angels
12+ Films and Levels. Human Being Theory applied
0+ French Literature. A Cultural History
0+ Godless in Eden
0+ Good as her Word: Selected Journalism
0+ Greek Historiography
0+ Greek Sculpture
0+ Highways, Byways, and Road Systems in the Pre-Modern World
12+ Histoire littéraire d'Italie (1
12+ Histoire littéraire d'Italie (3
0+ How to Read World Literature
0+ Internal Colonization. Russia's Imperial Experience
0+ Introduction to Old English
0+ Is Shakespeare any Good?. And Other Questions on How to Evaluate Literature
0+ John Milton Prose. Major Writings on Liberty, Politics, Religion, and Education
0+ John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester. The Poems and Lucina's Rape
12+ La confession d'un poete. Par Nicolas Semenow, Paris, 1860
12+ Les preludes, par m-me Caroline Pavlof, nee Jaenesch
0+ Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present. An Introduction
0+ Literary Criticism from Plato to the Present. An Introduction
0+ Literary Theory. A Practical Introduction
0+ Literary Theory. An Anthology
0+ Literary Theory. An Introduction
12+ Madame Лузина
0+ Mediterranean Families in Antiquity. Households, Extended Families, and Domestic Space
0+ Modern German Literature
0+ Modern German Literature
0+ Modernism. Keywords
0+ New England Beyond Criticism. In Defense of America's First Literature
0+ Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
0+ Novel Characters. A Genealogy
0+ Old English Literature. A Guide to Criticism with Selected Readings
0+ On Human Bondage. After Slavery and Social Death
0+ Performance and Power
0+ Phenomenal Shakespeare
0+ Plautus and Roman Slavery
0+ Postcolonial Studies. An Anthology
0+ Postcolonialism. An Historical Introduction
16+ postjournalist
12+ Prefaces to Terence's Comedies and Plautus's Comedies (1694)
0+ Proust Among the Stars: How To Read Him; Why Read Him?
0+ Reading Paradise Lost
0+ Reading Postwar British and Irish Poetry
0+ Reading Romantic Poetry
0+ Reading Sixteenth-Century Poetry
0+ Reading the American Novel 1780 - 1865
0+ Reading the American Novel 1865-1914
0+ Reading the American Novel 1920-2010
0+ Reading the Contemporary Irish Novel 1987-2007
0+ Reading the Eighteenth-Century Novel
0+ Reading the European Novel to 1900
0+ Reading Victorian Poetry
0+ Reading Victorian Poetry
0+ Roman Letters. An Anthology
0+ Romanticism and Revolution. A Reader
0+ Romanticism. An Anthology
0+ Romanticism. Keywords
0+ Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture
0+ Studying Comics and Graphic Novels
0+ Studying Early Printed Books, 1450-1800. A Practical Guide
0+ Studying Shakespeare's Contemporaries
0+ Tales of the Barbarians. Ethnography and Empire in the Roman West
0+ Technology, Literature and Culture
18+ Tenga 3D Toy as an Architecture Model
0+ Terror and the Postcolonial. A Concise Companion
0+ The Adventure of the Human Intellect. Self, Society, and the Divine in Ancient World Cultures
12+ The Age of Tennyson
12+ The Balladists
12+ The Big Green Tent – we under it. Reflections and Comments
0+ The Blackwell Guide to Literary Theory
0+ The Book in Britain. A Historical Introduction
0+ The Crime Fiction Handbook
0+ The Encyclopedia of the Gothic
0+ The Encyclopedia of the Novel
0+ The Gift in Antiquity
0+ The Global Future of English Studies
0+ The Idea of Anglo-Saxon England 1066-1901. Remembering, Forgetting, Deciphering, and Renewing the Pa
0+ The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 1: Chronology
0+ The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 2: Reader’s Guide PART 1
0+ The J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Volume 3: Reader’s Guide PART 2
0+ The Land of Ionia. Society and Economy in the Archaic Period
0+ The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
0+ The Life of D. H. Lawrence
0+ The Life of George Eliot. A Critical Biography
0+ The Life of Robert Frost
0+ The Life of William Shakespeare. A Critical Biography
0+ The Life of William Shakespeare. A Critical Biography