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Олег Фейгин
Никола Тесла. Наследие великого изобретателя
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Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Управление, подбор персонала
0+ Unlocking Creativity. How to Solve Any Problem and Make the Best Decisions by Shifting Creative Mind
0+ Unlocking Public Value. A New Model For Achieving High Performance In Public Service Organizations
12+ Unusta kompromissid
0+ Unwarranted Intrusions. The Case Against Government Intervention in the Marketplace
0+ Up Your Business!. 7 Steps to Fix, Build, or Stretch Your Organization
0+ Upstream Petroleum Fiscal and Valuation Modeling in Excel. A Worked Examples Approach
0+ Urban Sustainability and River Restoration. Green and Blue Infrastructure
0+ Using Economic Indicators to Improve Investment Analysis
0+ Using Excel for Business Analysis. A Guide to Financial Modelling Fundamentals
0+ Using Experience to Develop Leadership Talent. How Organizations Leverage On-the-Job Development
16+ Vagabond hostel
0+ Valuation. Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition
0+ Value and Capital Management. A Handbook for the Finance and Risk Functions of Financial Institution
0+ Value Averaging. The Safe and Easy Strategy for Higher Investment Returns
0+ Value Optimization for Project and Performance Management
0+ Valuing Employee Stock Options
0+ VaR Methodology for Non-Gaussian Finance
0+ Venezia. Ciminiere Ammainate
0+ Veränderungskonzepte und Strategische Transformation. Trends, Krisen, Innovationen als Chancen nutze
0+ Vertical Option Spreads. A Study of the 1.8 Standard Deviation Inflection Point
0+ Virtual Team Success. A Practical Guide for Working and Leading from a Distance
16+ VisaToHome
0+ Visual Consulting. Designing and Leading Change
0+ Visual Design Solutions. Principles and Creative Inspiration for Learning Professionals
0+ Visual Design Solutions. Principles and Creative Inspiration for Learning Professionals
0+ Visual Guide to Chart Patterns, Enhanced Edition
0+ Visual Guide to Elliott Wave Trading
0+ Visual Guide to ETFs
0+ Visual Guide to Financial Markets
0+ Visual Leaders. New Tools for Visioning, Management, and Organization Change
0+ Visual Meetings. How Graphics, Sticky Notes and Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity
0+ Visual Six Sigma. Making Data Analysis Lean
0+ Visual Strategy. Strategy Mapping for Public and Nonprofit Organizations
0+ Visual Teams. Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, and High Performance
0+ Volatility Trading
0+ Volatility Trading
0+ Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over. How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results
0+ Wall Street's Buried Treasure. The Low-Priced Value Investing Approach to Finding Great Stocks
0+ Warren Buffett Wealth. Principles and Practical Methods Used by the World's Greatest Investor
0+ Warren Buffett. An Illustrated Biography of the World's Most Successful Investor
0+ Warrior Trading. Inside the Mind of an Elite Currency Trader
0+ Water Finance. Public Responsibilities and Private Opportunities
16+ WayRay - проекционная навигация
0+ We. How to Increase Performance and Profits through Full Engagement
0+ Wealth Creation. A Systems Mindset for Building and Investing in Businesses for the Long Term
0+ Wealth Exposed. Insurance Planning for High Net Worth Individuals and Their Advisors
0+ Wealth of Wisdom. The Top 50 Questions Wealthy Families Ask
0+ Wealth Wisdom. How Ordinary Australians Can Create Extraordinary Wealth
0+ Web Marketing All-in-One For Dummies
0+ Webinars For Dummies
0+ What Matters Now. How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable
0+ What You Need to Know about Economics
0+ What You Need to Know about Strategy
0+ What's Holding You Back?. 10 Bold Steps that Define Gutsy Leaders
0+ What's Your MBA IQ?. A Manager's Career Development Tool
16+ Whatsapp
0+ Wheels of Fortune. The History of Speculation from Scandal to Respectability
0+ When Execution Isn't Enough. Decoding Inspirational Leadership
0+ When Genius Failed: The Rise and Fall of Long Term Capital Management
0+ When Giants Fall. An Economic Roadmap for the End of the American Era
0+ Where Value Hides. A New Way to Uncover Profitable Growth For Your Business
0+ Who's Afraid of Adam Smith?. How the Market Got Its Soul
0+ Why Killer Products Don't Sell. How to Run Your Company to a New Set of Rules
0+ Why Managing Sucks and How to Fix It. A Results-Only Guide to Taking Control of Work, Not People
0+ Why Nobody Believes the Numbers. Distinguishing Fact from Fiction in Population Health Management
0+ Why Teams Win. 9 Keys to Success In Business, Sport and Beyond
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 10 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Sales Supervisor Examination -- Gener
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 24 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Principal Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 26 Exam Review 2017. The Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Princ
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 3 Exam Review 2017. The National Commodities Futures Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 4 Exam Review 2017. The Registered Options Principal Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 57 Exam Review 2017. The Securities Trader Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 6 Exam Review 2017. The Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Repres
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 62 Exam Review 2017. The Corporate Securities Representative Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 63 Exam Review 2017. The Uniform Securities Sate Law Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 65 Exam Review 2017. The Uniform Investment Adviser Law Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 66 Exam Review 2017. The Uniform Combined State Law Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 7 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Representative Examination
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 9 Exam Review 2017. The General Securities Sales Supervisor Examination -- Option
0+ Wiley FINRA Series 99 Exam Review 2017. The Operations Professional Examination
0+ Wiley Revenue Recognition plus Website. Understanding and Implementing the New Standard
0+ Win at Work!. The Everybody Wins Approach to Conflict Resolution
0+ Win the Game of Googleopoly. Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines
0+ Win with Advanced Business Analytics. Creating Business Value from Your Data
0+ Winning at Active Management. The Essential Roles of Culture, Philosophy, and Technology
0+ Winning the Cash Flow War. Your Ultimate Survival Guide to Making Money and Keeping It
0+ Winning the Day Trading Game. Lessons and Techniques from a Lifetime of Trading
0+ Winning The War for Talent. How to Attract and Keep the People to Make the Biggest Difference to You
0+ Winning with Data. Transform Your Culture, Empower Your People, and Shape the Future
0+ Wisdom on Value Investing. How to Profit on Fallen Angels
16+ Wishnya - дизайнерские эко-светильники
0+ Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden und Erfahrungen
0+ Wissensmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Wissensnetzwerke. Konzepte, Methoden, Erfahrungen
0+ Work Like You're Showing Off. The Joy, Jazz, and Kick of Being Better Tomorrow Than You Were Today
0+ Work Makes Me Nervous. Overcome Anxiety and Build the Confidence to Succeed
0+ Working Capital Management. Applications and Case Studies
16+ Workplace
0+ Workscripts. Perfect Phrases for High-Stakes Conversations
0+ World Class IT. Why Businesses Succeed When IT Triumphs
0+ XVA. Credit, Funding and Capital Valuation Adjustments
0+ Y-Size Your Business. How Gen Y Employees Can Save You Money and Grow Your Business
0+ Yelp for Business. The Quick-Start Guide to Managing Your Reviews
0+ Yes, You Can Time the Market!
0+ You Bet: The Betfair Story and How Two Men Changed the World of Gambling
0+ You Can Always Sell More. How to Improve Any Sales Force
0+ YouTube Marketing For Dummies
16+ Ziq & Yoni
0+ Zukunftsmodell Kooperation. Leitgedanken und Erfolgskriterien für Unternehmen und Organisationen
0+ Автоматизация календарного планирования комплекса мероприятий инновационного развития корпораций в с
0+ Автосервис. Создание и компьютеризация: Практическое пособие
0+ Автосервис. Стандарты управления: Практическое пособие
0+ Автосервис. Структура и персонал: Практическое пособие
0+ Автосервис. Управление рисками: Практическое пособие
16+ Адизес для лидеров
16+ Адизес для лидеров
16+ Адизес. Лучшее. Пища для размышлений. Об изменениях и лидерстве, о менеджменте и о том, что важно в
0+ Административные барьеры на пути развития малого бизнеса в России
16+ Азбука предпринимательства
12+ Азбука системного мышления
12+ Азиатская модель управления: Удачи и провалы самого динамичного региона в мире
12+ Азиатский стиль управления. Как руководят бизнесом в Китае, Японии и Южной Корее
12+ Актуальность внедрения региональной модели управления качеством обучения предпринимательству на уров
0+ Актуальные вопросы управления человеческими ресурсами
16+ Актуальные ответы о бизнесе, экономике и устройстве Государства Российского. Часть 1. О бизнесе
16+ Актуальные ответы о бизнесе, экономике и устройстве Государства Российского. Часть 2. Об экономике
0+ Актуальные проблемы кредитно-финансовых организаций в инновационной экономике
0+ Актуальные проблемы пенсионной реформы
0+ Актуальные проблемы развития агробизнеса в условиях модернизации экономики. Сборник научных трудов п
12+ Актуальные проблемы социально-экономического развития СКФО. Сборник научных трудов по материалам нау
12+ Актуальный HR-брендинг. Секреты лучших работодателей
12+ Алгоритм успешного общения при подборе персонала: Лайфхаки для руководителей и HR
16+ Александр Панчин: Как бороться с мракобесием?
12+ Альманах HeadHunter 2016
12+ Альманах HeadHunter 2017
0+ Альманах HeadHunter 2018
12+ Альтернатива: мы или конкуренты
12+ Альфа-продавцы: спецназ в отделе продаж
0+ Анализ конкурентоспособности услуг в ресторанном и досугово-развлекательном бизнесе
0+ Анализ модели ИТ-эффекта на основе структурного подхода
0+ Анализ опыта функционирования суверенного фонда благосостояния Норвегии
0+ Анализ реализуемости инновационных проектов по созданию наукоемкой продукции: алгоритмы и инструмент
0+ Анализ региональной антикризисной политики
0+ Анализ типичных ошибок в кадровом делопроизводстве
0+ Анализ эффективности инновационной деятельности
12+ Аналитический бюллетень Балтийской финансовой группы
0+ Английский язык для профессионального развития. Ресторанный и кейтеринговый бизнес. English for Prof
16+ Андрей Курпатов: Как избавиться от иллюзий?
16+ Андрей Ланд: Как выбрать и пройти свой путь?
16+ Андрей Себрант: Как идти в ногу со временем?