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Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Зарубежная деловая литература
Книги из категории: Бизнес-Книги - Зарубежная деловая литература
0+ #MakeoverMonday. Improving How We Visualize and Analyze Data, One Chart at a Time
0+ 20/20 Money. See the Markets Clearly and Invest Better Than the Pros
0+ 5 Gears. How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time
0+ 5 Magic Paths to Making a Fortune in Real Estate
0+ 5 Voices. How to Communicate Effectively with Everyone You Lead
0+ 5% More. Making Small Changes to Achieve Extraordinary Results
12+ 50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Военное дело
12+ 50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Политическая и общественная жизнь
12+ 50 стратегий, которые изменили историю. Торговля
0+ 7Twelve. A Diversified Investment Portfolio with a Plan
0+ A Beautiful Constraint. How To Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's B
0+ A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders. Making the Most of The Leadership Challenge and the
0+ A Coach's Guide to Developing Exemplary Leaders. Making the Most of The Leadership Challenge and the
0+ A Culture of Purpose. How to Choose the Right People and Make the Right People Choose You
0+ A Decade of Delusions. From Speculative Contagion to the Great Recession
0+ A Demon of Our Own Design. Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation
0+ A Guide to Creating A Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy
0+ A Hedge Fund Tale of Reach and Grasp. Or What's a Heaven For
0+ A Kick in the Attitude. An Energizing Approach to Recharge your Team, Work, and Life
0+ A Leader's Legacy
0+ A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing
0+ A Non-Freaked Out Guide to Teaching the Common Core. Using the 32 Literacy Anchor Standards to Devel
0+ A Primer on Money, Banking, and Gold (Peter L. Bernstein's Finance Classics)
0+ A Risk Professional's Survival Guide. Applied Best Practices in Risk Management
0+ A Wealth of Common Sense. Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan
0+ A Year Without "Made in China". One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy
0+ AARP The Pledge. Your Master Plan for an Abundant Life
0+ Accelerating Leadership Development. Practical Solutions for Building Your Organization's Potential
0+ Access 2013 Bible
0+ Access 2016 Bible
0+ Accountability. Taking Ownership of Your Responsibility
0+ Active Alpha. A Portfolio Approach to Selecting and Managing Alternative Investments
0+ Active Investing. How to Manage Your Portfolio Like a Professional in Less than One Hour a Week
0+ Active Value Investing. Making Money in Range-Bound Markets
0+ ActiveBeta Indexes. Capturing Systematic Sources of Active Equity Returns
0+ Advanced Charting Techniques for High Probability Trading. The Most Accurate And Predictive Charting
0+ Advanced Penetration Testing. Hacking the World's Most Secure Networks
0+ Adventures in Python
0+ Advisory Leadership. Using the Seven Steps of Heart Culture to Create Lasting Success for Any Wealth
0+ Against All Odds. Ten Entrepreneurs Who Followed Their Hearts and Found Success
0+ Against the Dead Hand. The Uncertain Struggle for Global Capitalism
0+ Against the Herd. 6 Contrarian Investment Strategies You Should Follow
0+ Agile Project Management For Dummies
0+ All Access. Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography
0+ All For One. 10 Strategies for Building Trusted Client Partnerships
0+ All Hands on Deck. 8 Essential Lessons for Building a Culture of Ownership
0+ Alliances. An Executive Guide to Designing Successful Strategic Partnerships
0+ Alternative Alternatives. Risk, Returns and Investment Strategy
0+ Alternative Assets and Strategic Allocation. Rethinking the Institutional Approach
0+ Alternative Investments. CAIA Level II
0+ Alts Democratized. A Practical Guide to Alternative Mutual Funds and ETFs for Financial Advisors
0+ Alzheimer's and Dementia For Dummies
0+ An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China
0+ An Other Kingdom. Departing the Consumer Culture
0+ Analysing and Interpreting the Yield Curve
0+ Analysis of Financial Statements
0+ Angel Investing. The Gust Guide to Making Money and Having Fun Investing in Startups
0+ Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management. Tools to Analyze and Manage Your Stock Portfolio
0+ Asset Rotation. The Demise of Modern Portfolio Theory and the Birth of an Investment Renaissance
0+ At Your Service. How to Attract New Customers, Increase Sales, and Grow Your Business Using Simple C
0+ At Zero. The Final Secrets to "Zero Limits" The Quest for Miracles Through Ho'oponopono
0+ Attacks on the Press. The New Face of Censorship
0+ Attracting Capital From Angels. How Their Money - and Their Experience - Can Help You Build a Succes
0+ Austerity Business. 39 Tips for Doing More With Less
0+ Authentic Leadership. Rediscovering the Secrets to Creating Lasting Value
0+ Authentic Marketing. How to Capture Hearts and Minds Through the Power of Purpose
0+ AutoCAD 2015 and AutoCAD LT 2015: No Experience Required. Autodesk Official Press
0+ AutoCAD 2017 and AutoCAD LT 2017. Essentials
0+ AutoCAD 2018 and AutoCAD LT 2018 Essentials
0+ AutoCAD Platform Customization. AutoLISP
0+ Autodesk 3ds Max 2016 Essentials
0+ Automatic Wealth for Grads... and Anyone Else Just Starting Out
0+ Awesomely Simple. Essential Business Strategies for Turning Ideas Into Action
0+ AWS For Admins For Dummies
0+ Barbarians of Wealth. Protecting Yourself from Today's Financial Attilas
0+ Be Brilliant Every Day
0+ Be Smart, Act Fast, Get Rich. Your Game Plan for Getting It Right in the Stock Market
0+ Beam, Straight Up. The Bold Story of the First Family of Bourbon
0+ Become the Real Deal. The Proven Path to Influence and Executive Presence
0+ Becoming a Category of One. How Extraordinary Companies Transcend Commodity and Defy Comparison
0+ Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader. How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively
0+ Becoming a Graphic and Digital Designer. A Guide to Careers in Design
0+ Becoming a Strategic Leader. Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success
0+ Becoming A Top Manager. Tools and Lessons in Transitioning to General Management
0+ Becoming the Best. Build a World-Class Organization Through Values-Based Leadership
0+ Becoming Your Own China Stock Guru. The Ultimate Investor's Guide to Profiting from China's Economic
0+ Beekeeping For Dummies
0+ Beginning SharePoint 2013 Development
0+ Behavioral Finance and Investor Types. Managing Behavior to Make Better Investment Decisions
0+ Behavioral Finance and Wealth Management. How to Build Optimal Portfolios That Account for Investor
0+ Behind the Cloud. The Untold Story of How Salesforce.com Went from Idea to Billion-Dollar Company-an
0+ Betting on China. Chinese Stocks, American Stock Markets, and the Wagers on a New Dynamic in Global
0+ Beyond Change Management. How to Achieve Breakthrough Results Through Conscious Change Leadership
0+ Beyond Dealmaking. Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships
0+ Beyond Smart Beta. Index Investment Strategies for Active Portfolio Management
0+ Beyond Wealth. The Road Map to a Rich Life
0+ Big Brown. The Untold Story of UPS
0+ Big Data in Practice. How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary R
0+ Big Data, Big Innovation. Enabling Competitive Differentiation through Business Analytics
0+ Big Data. Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Metrics To Make Better Decisions and Improve Performan
0+ BIM and Construction Management. Proven Tools, Methods, and Workflows
0+ Biotechnology Valuation. An Introductory Guide
0+ Bipolar Disorder For Dummies
0+ Blender For Dummies
0+ Blog Design For Dummies
0+ Blogging For Dummies
0+ Bloomberg Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting
0+ Bloomberg Visual Guide to Municipal Bonds
0+ Boardroom Excellence. A Common Sense Perspective on Corporate Governance
0+ Boardroom Realities. Building Leaders Across Your Board
0+ Boards That Deliver. Advancing Corporate Governance From Compliance to Competitive Advantage
0+ Bogle On Mutual Funds. New Perspectives For The Intelligent Investor
0+ Bond Math. The Theory Behind the Formulas
0+ Bonds for Canadians. How to Build Wealth and Lower Risk in Your Portfolio
0+ Bonds. The Unbeaten Path to Secure Investment Growth
0+ Bookkeeping For Dummies
0+ Boring Meetings Suck. Get More Out of Your Meetings, or Get Out of More Meetings
0+ Brainfluence. 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with Neuromarketing
0+ Brand Advocates. Turning Enthusiastic Customers into a Powerful Marketing Force
0+ Brand New. Solving the Innovation Paradox -- How Great Brands Invent and Launch New Products, Servic
0+ Brand Valued. How socially valued brands hold the key to a sustainable future and business success
0+ BrandED. Tell Your Story, Build Relationships, and Empower Learning
0+ Brands That Rock. What Business Leaders Can Learn from the World of Rock and Roll
0+ Break Down Your Money. How to Get Beyond the Noise to Profit in the Markets
0+ Break Your Own Rules. How to Change the Patterns of Thinking that Block Women's Paths to Power
0+ Breaking the Leadership Mold. An Executive's Guide to Achieving Organizational Excellence
0+ Breaking Through. Stories and Best Practices From Companies That Help Women Succeed
0+ Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis. New Thinking From the World's Top Minds
0+ BRICs and Beyond. Lessons on Emerging Markets
0+ Brief. Make a Bigger Impact by Saying Less
0+ Broadbandits. Inside the $750 Billion Telecom Heist
0+ Bruce Schneier on Trust Set
0+ Buffett and Beyond. Uncovering the Secret Ratio for Superior Stock Selection
0+ Buffett Beyond Value. Why Warren Buffett Looks to Growth and Management When Investing
0+ Build for Change. Revolutionizing Customer Engagement through Continuous Digital Innovation
0+ Build Your Reputation. Grow Your Personal Brand for Career and Business Success
0+ Building a Better Business Using the Lego Serious Play Method
0+ Building Beehives For Dummies
0+ Building Conflict Competent Teams
0+ Building Responsive Data Visualization for the Web
0+ Building the Bridge As You Walk On It. A Guide for Leading Change
0+ Building the Internet of Things. Implement New Business Models, Disrupt Competitors, Transform Your
0+ Building Wealth through Venture Capital. A Practical Guide for Investors and the Entrepreneurs They
0+ Built on Values. Creating an Enviable Culture that Outperforms the Competition
0+ Built to Grow. How to deliver accelerated, sustained and profitable business growth
0+ Bullseye!. The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Goals
16+ Bürokraat, võim ja Vanaema
0+ Business Innovation For Dummies
0+ Business Leadership in China. How to Blend Best Western Practices with Chinese Wisdom
0+ Business Leadership. A Jossey-Bass Reader