Книга "Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits: 25 must-have styles for the pampered pooch" - Caitlin Doyle

Автор: Caitlin Doyle

Название: Outrageously Adorable Dog Knits: 25 must-have styles for the pampered pooch

Категория: Дом, Семья/Дом и Семья: прочее

Издательство: HarperCollins

ISBN: HarperCollins

Тип: book

Описание: Dogs can’t knit. But they sure can wear it well.Could your Chinese crested powder puff rock a vintage ruffled bonnet? Does your pug pine for a fabulous ten-gallon cowboy hat? Or perhaps your bulldog hopes to cast off his thuggish street cred with a prep

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