Книга "Golf For Dummies" - Gary McCord

Автор: Gary McCord

Название: Golf For Dummies

Категория: Дом, Семья/Спорт, фитнес

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

ISBN: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

Тип: book

Описание: An informative and entertaining guide to the world of golf Want to get your handicap down or just get out of a bunker? Golf For Dummies, 2nd Australian and New Zealand edition, is the complete reference for golfers of all experience levels. Get some great

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Книга "Golf For Dummies" - Gary McCord

Автор: Gary McCord

Название: Golf For Dummies

Категория: Дом, Семья/Спорт, фитнес

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

ISBN: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

Тип: book

Описание: The fun and easy way to get a grip on golf Golf For Dummies, 4th Edition, gives you all the latest information on the game, including updated expert advice on everything from improving fundamentals to mastering the game's mental aspects. With advice from

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Книга "Golf For Dummies" - Gary McCord

Автор: Gary McCord

Название: Golf For Dummies

Категория: Дом, Семья/Спорт, фитнес

Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

ISBN: John Wiley & Sons Limited (USD)

Тип: book

Описание: The fun and easy way to get into the swing of things and take strokes off your game – fast Whether you're a total beginner or you've clocked a few hours on the links, Golf For Dummies, 2nd Edition is the only guide you need. Packed with expert tips and

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