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Robert Howard
Leadership the Hard Way. Why Leadership Can't Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway
Paul Alexander
Signs and Wonders. Why Pentecostalism Is the World's Fastest Growing Faith
Jeff Thredgold
EconAmerica. Why the American Economy is Alive and Well... And What That Means to Your Wallet
Freada Klein Kapor
Giving Notice. Why the Best and Brightest are Leaving the Workplace and How You Can Help them Stay
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Все книги автора Jacek Lipkowski
Все книги автора Jacek Lipkowski
Наука, Образование/Прочая образовательная литература
0+ Bioelectrochemistry. Fundamentals, Applications and Recent Developments
0+ Chemically Modified Electrodes
0+ Diffraction and Spectroscopic Methods in Electrochemistry
0+ Electrocatalysis. Theoretical Foundations and Model Experiments
0+ Electrochemical Engineering Across Scales. From Molecules to Processes
0+ Electrochemistry of Carbon Electrodes
0+ Nanopatterned and Nanoparticle-Modified Electrodes